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So here's a progress shot on the work I've got done today. I thought it would be fun to look at my drawing process for this one. 

So step 1, drawing out a general idea of the shot, according to the client. This is the phase where I think up basic compositions and ideas for perspectives.
Step 2, finding a good pose. I knew I wanted the crossed leg to cut across the canvas, leading the viewers eye from the face, to the hand, to the foot, which points back to the face. I also like adding a little bit of tilt to my figures to look like they recede deep into the canvas haha
Step 3, first execution of that idea. Goes badly, let's redo it!
Step 4 is repeated and refined until I like the results ^^ After I get the figures finalized, I go back with detailing on the clothes, faces and other things I missed during the first passes. 



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