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This is officially the most mouthplay I've drawn to date lol

Thinking about changing my commission guidelines. What do you all think? Should I make them a tad looser?




This whole comic looks dandy! You really did a great job with the maw shot on panel 2--well done! In regards to your commission guidelines, I say change them at your discretion--you are the artist, after all. You have the right to make your own rules.


What do you mean by looser? I never thought your commission guidelines were strict at all.


Wello, the "No vore, no gore" thing really irks some people I've noticed, so I'm reconsidering those. I'm really adverse to that sort of thing though, so I might offer it, but at an upcharge.


Yea, people are very interested in commissions for somethings that I just don't offer, and I feel bad for having to turn so many down haha also thank you! Glad you like it ^^


Thank you! Was worried if people would like it or not since I've never actually drawn one before ^^; Very true, I'll think about it some more. Thanks for your input!


I like vore a lot!!! But also, I think 90% of that is mouthplay which you're fantastic at. Ultimately it's up to you, but implied vore might be a fun way to start off into territory you're not the biggest fan of.