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TLDR; My mom has cancer so my content will be inconsistent for the foreseeable future.

Hey there everyone. So, a while back on twitter, I posted about feeling pretty depressed, and I'd like to explain so that if I'm not able to get as much work out over the next few months, you'll know why. And, disclaimer, I don't know how much is too much to say, so please excuse my venting.

For the past few months, my mom's health has gotten progressively worse and worse, all coming to a head in January where she was hospitalized for a fully body bright red rash, intense swelling and a fever of 104.1F. She was in and out of the hospital as her health rubber banded, after a week and a half of this, she was recovering. This spurred a whole bunch of tests, because she had some arthritis in her hands flaring up badly for the last few months as well.

About a month ago, we got the news all of her sypmtoms were linked, and pointed towards being a rare type of cancer. It was confirmed a couple weeks ago, and she's starting chemotherapy this week, which is petrifying. I'm living at home again and I'm going to be taking over lots of her duties, and generally being a caretaker for her and the household. I'll still have some time to work, but it will be limited. I still have 3 YCH commissions to finish, which will be my top priority going forward, but my time and energy is a lot more limited now.

If the lack of consistent content means you can no longer support me, I fully understand. After getting into a comfortable schedule with everything going on, I'm sure I'll be able to return to a more consistent work schedule.

I'm really scared for my mom. Before all of this, I had never thought too hard about what chemotherapy really was. Just hearing the bear-bones description of it was torture. It stops your cells from multiplying- meaning your hair follicles, your stomach lining, your intestines. Constant nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, you don't even get to keep your eyelashes. You become walking dead. I'm terrified to see my mom suffering. She just got a surgery last week to have a port put in. I can't even look at it, it makes me cry to think about it being there. And there's no way to "soft lauch" chemo. She has to start full force, 8 hours of toxins pumped into her, 3 days in a row. I'm terribly frightened. I just want my mom to be okay.


Mann Demann

Hoping everything goes well for your mom, take whatever time you need for yourself and to help support her.


Wishing your mom the best 🫂❤️