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Hello everyone! Unfortunately I lost power soon after my last post. Since it was snowing and temperatures were severe, I spent a few days in a hotel which made things much harder, but since then, development has been going fairly smoothly.

I have some more bad news though. Unfortunately the custom art program will be put on an indefinite pause as the custom artist has surprisingly decided to take an indefinite break, and I am incapable of keeping up with that demand myself while also developing the game. I hope you can understand.

Back to development. Since my last post, I've developed more environments, characters, and planned most of the content I plan to include in v0.17! As well as some plans for v0.18 and beyond. We'll see how things go though, the hardest part of development is the actual event making process which has not begun yet. I plan to start making events and uploading patron builds starting next week. I'm feeling very good about starting full on development this time, I just hope I didn't plan some events too big haha.

Thank you all for being so patient with me! I would love to get this stuff done faster, but life has different plans sometimes. It's especially hard when I want to try to balance my work life with my social life. So thank you all so much for supporting!

I'd like to keep as much as possible a surprise for you all, so I won't share too much detail about what's coming this time. But at least one new Explore location should be coming, and if I have extra time, I will try to fit in repeatable sex content for the side characters hanging out in the hot springs.

Translators Needed!

The translation efforts so far have been a success, but we need more volunteers! If you're interested in joining the team, and are willing to dedicate months or years to supporting this project, please send me a DM on discord.

Any and all languages are accepted.

Lewd previews during development can be found on my Twitter and Discord

As always, thank so much for playing and supporting!



Will tier prices change at all since one of the benefits is no longer happening?


No, since I don't sell anything here and perks are only incentive to tip, that won't change.


👍 thanks for continuing to make this amazing game even better. Im very upset at Samsung for not allowing SD cards to expand storage anymore in the galaxy phones. That's how I have been playing.


Do not forget to take care of yourself!

Quantum Rooster

I am glad you have a social life! Not so easy to maintain sometimes.

Briggs Bro Co

mother nature went crazy lets chop it up to that lol


I'm sorry that your artist took an indefinite pause, I hope that the work on the events will go smoothly.


Oh. Don't worry that not everything goes so smoothly. Yes, life has its own plans and we are not able to change something. Keep making progress!


Finally uncovering the new material for two of my personal favorites, Autumn and Sylvia (now my alarm clock of choice), and loving it.

Manx Uncle

Well that's good news, except for the artwork... I know I was bad for leaving it to the last minute (last day of the month on at least one occasion)... I look forward to the next version

Professor Swine

Shame about the artist, hope you are safe.


I came on here specifically to say how great this game is and how much I love the writing. Keep up the amazing work!