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Hello everyone! v0.17's planning is going a bit slower than I wanted this week, but it's for a good reason! I recently got a kitten of my own to keep me company :) she's wonderful but she's still a baby so she still needs a lot of attention. I shared some pictures of her on Discord if you would like to see her.

Most of the story for v0.17 has been planned out and some of the environments have already been developed, so I will be sharing more previews when the time is right. Until then, please be patient while I refine and plan further. Thank you!

(Fanart made by Meidyan)

You can stay updated with HH on Twitter and Discord




I really appreciate the patience. She's still exploring and learning where is best to sleep (which she sometimes thinks is on my keyboard haha) and when is best to play. But I love her to death!

Manx Uncle

You have been chosen by the supreme ruler and commander in chief of the entire universe... every cat believes itself to be in charge

Pascal Lindemann

"Walking with the Pets" 😂 Where are the leashes for Felicity and Emma? 😂😂

Long Tran

Congrats on the kitten! What's her name?


Congratz on the kitty.


Congratulations for the baby kitty. Be carefull with what she eats. Cats are a little messy sometimes 😂 but theyre so cute you can never get angry at them 🥺💗


Nyyyaawww! You just can't say no to a cute little kitty. What's her name? What's her name??

Brandon S

Take all the time you need! Glad you have a little kitten friend! I have 2 myself and couldn't be happier!