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Top 3? Top 5? Let me know why, I'd love to hear your feedback :)
(Results will have no impact on future content)

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Kyle French

I adore Ashley... the twins are a close second though.


1. Autumn 2. Lin 3. Nier / Android 4. Maria 5. Ashley 6. Emma 7. Felicity 8. Kali


1. Autumn; 2. Lin; 3. Ashley; 4. Kali; 5. Android; 6. Felicity and Emma; and Maria. Although I love the whole story development and characters.

Janus Zeal

Wow, Kali is highest ranked, but I consider her to be the most mediocre of all the girls. My personal fav is Android (who I named #18). I always wanted a hot sex robot, that would help me take over the world!

Jason P

I'll wait to play it to vote. As of .14 I love Kali's sex flavor ideas/concept (except not enough is in the game but I love the sister power dynamic with MC), but my favorites have been Lin/Maria for the corruption of other girls and Lin/Android/Ashley for storylines as of .14. I'm enjoying the corruption of Autumn, but I haven't progressed far enough as most *jobs are NOT my thing and i have two job options with her that feel like work to grind the slut stat up more than fun. I'd love some fairy action.

Jason P

So, nothing really changed after playing 15 and 16. I love androids/lins/Ashley’s story although Maria got some play with her spy games that is fun. Autumn is dropping a little. I’m not a fan of church and then the cleric suit scene was a little yikes with angles. I’m with Maria on that one.


I gotta go Ashley for #1 still. Her story hits close to home. Probably the twins for #2... Maria solidly for #3


Wait, "Results will have no impact on future content" meaning about fates of characters? Or amount of content coming for them in next update? Or both?


Love 'em all, but Felicity & Emma are the sexiest.


1) Lin - Duh?? 2) Yuna.. *ahem*... Android - Her arc so far has made her so incredibly human. She's pondering the biggest questions that a sapient being can ask, trying to figure things out and looking to her friends for help. 3) a) Maria - She's getting a chance to reinvent herself now and show that she's more than just eye candy. And the way her story's been woven into the history of the setting is awesome. b) Ashley - Similar reasons. She's had her chance to remake herself and looking to her past, perhaps to inform the trajectory of her future. 4) Autumn - The recent updates bumped her up for me. Not just for her own journey, but getting more insight into the church of Gaius is intriguing. I'd love to learn the intricacies of how it really ties into the history of this world and where its true power lies. 5) Kali - I just hope she can find and genuinely own her identity, but I think she needs a way to break away from her father for that to happen. It's not that her dad's treating her badly, I just hope she can be "more than a Trenero". Emma and Felicity are really fun right now, but they have a long way to go. It's great that they've been learning to set themselves aside a bit more, but I'd love to see them learn to take more pride/pleasure in helping others. NO! Not that! I mean, more like community work. A little foray into altruism.


These types of polls have been done after most big updates so far and it's just a fun way for Runey to see what characters people like the most (and maybe to see if numbers shift between updates, but it might not even be that). It doesn't affect anything, it's *not* a "vote for the girl you want to see in the next patch".


I’d say Android, Lin and Ashley. I’m here for the story, and the story of those three are phenomenal. I like all the main cast, and it is because of your writing; everyone is real humanoid going through life.


I wish Lucia was main, but since she is not its Kali would love more scenes with the 2 of them. Closely followed by Felicity and Emma.


Well, good to know. Because you know... i love Ashley and Android, and seeing poll going "against" them made me fell sad about it. Thanks for clearance!


Polls can be misleading (and easily used to mislead). Ashley and Android being the lowest doesn't mean they are disliked. It just means they aren't everyone's number 1. For all we know, Android could be everyone's number 2 and this poll wouldn't represent that. I will say that I've noticed more people being super fans of Ashley than of Kali. While Kali has more general support, Kali fans are very quiet. Unfortunately the polling options on patreon are very limited. I would love to do ranked choice voting.


1) Kali. Brains, coding, and the perfect figure. It still bothers me a little that she and her sister are more alike than the literal clones. 2) Lin. Even when playacting a slut, her innate wholesomeness shows thru. 3) Autumn. Redhead, need I say more? Always been partisan for her, really happy to see some payoff finally. 4) Ashley. Her barely-reformed yandere arc impresses me. Is it just me or was her "I WANNA GET PREG!" toned down in the early stages this revision? She wasn't as annoying at first as I recall from previous fresh starts. 5) Felicity. Her dungeon ragefuck is unique and edges her out over her sister. 6) Emma. The perfect average, nothing exceptional, nothing negative. 7) Maria. Valuable as an instigator for a while, but then drops off. 8) Android. In default form, her breasts are either too huge or too small, human form hits the right balance, but that's late-game. Worried about the addicting pussy juice element, dare not delve too far into that. Powerful questions being asked, though.

Dr. Cal

Re: Kali-Ashley fans Barring statistical data, it does feel apropos that Kali would attract the nerds, while Ashley attracts the weirds. :D

Darryl Williams

Ashley can't be so annoying about pregnancy if she's already pregnant. --after a few biology lessons at least. Consider my vote for her a vote for the mechanic in general.


I wouldn't say she's weird to attract people like that. Since yea, she's might be sexually obsessed, but she has very deep and broken personality. That want's to be loved and give love back. I don't see why ashley might attract weirdos🤔


1)Ashley 2)Ashley 3)Ash... Okay fr tho 2)Lin 3)Kali 4)Felicity 5)Autumn 6-8) idk, mostly equal


Fully agree with Lin comment except for the lust scene. She wants to be messed up real bad in that


1)Kali 2) Autumn 3)Ashley 4)Felicity 5)Maria 6)Emma

Benevolent Cerc

1) Ashley -1000%.. Her painful back-story, anxiety, and search for confidence/safety is both tragic and heartwarming.. Her breeder fetish and smollness are both hot AF as well. All of it makes you want to white knight for her hard and also raise her 12 brats :P. 2) Lin- How can anyone be 300 years old and still hold such wonderment about the world- what a peanut. Her character arc is in the driver's seat of a lot of the elf vs world narrative. Very cute and very loyal. 3) Kali- What red blooded gamer dude doesn't want a smart nerdy subby chick like Kali. 4) Autumn- her nativity is ramped up a bit too ridiculously in the early gamebut watching her lust vs religion struggle is hot. 5) Android - I like her quite a lot but early her sexual progression narrative is a mess. The game cannot decide if she is hyper shy or down to clown with anyone who will stick something in one of her orifices. Her Ai = errors in the code concept is a bit of a cool mind-fuck. 6) Emma - Her jealousy makes her charming- she is a tad bit bland though. 7) Felicity- Her backstory is a big strike on her. I recognize it involved a lot of trauma-but its hard to feel as good about her re: her history with Ashley. The praise kink in her route is super hot though. 8)Maria- She has a warm heart- but her turbo-slut attitude is occasionally grating. She kinda butts in inappropriately a lot and cam-girling is not a hot kink. She's okay- but definitely last place by a long shot.


I've been playing with my girlfriend and we disagree on favs. Felicity is my fav because I just naturally lean into the caregiver/daddy dynamic. The gf likes Lin best, Wednesdays are her favourite. But we both agree that Maria deserves credit for being the ultimate wingman.