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Beta Build 1 has just released! We're one step closer to v0.16!

(This is not a scene from v0.16)

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"This is not a scene from v0.16" Yo tho, can it be? This looks like it could be such a cute wholesome scene!!!!


Hey I just finished the new content and I really enjoyed it. Getting to explore the city was a really good idea and will set some situations up later very interestingly. My only….concern is players who wait to explore and get to the slave auction and are confused on why they can’t buy any even though they have the money for it…like me ahahah


Yep, this is why I've given everyone a warning when they start exploring later than they should.


Ya going to start a new playthrough so as to go through the experience more as intended.

Timo P

I don't think day count does anything. Unless this beta introduces something that actually goes away with that count. Only thing previously was the dates when girls come in the hotel, that is probably hardcoded as dates in the game, all other events require something else. Those are meant to be played early, but I think you can play them later in the game as well. Haven't installed the latest beta yet. Trying it now.


I'm on day 612 and haven't had any progression problems yet.....yet... not to say that I won't, but I don't think day count has anything to do with it. The only actual issues that I've found are graphics and English grammar related.

Timo P

Tried, day 378, new features work just fine, so day count doesn't prevent that to work.


Day count doesn't do much of anything. I'm nearing day 1000


So what is "starting to explore too late" in the game's context, then?

David Parfitt

Why am I sponsoring this, you should never expect rrp on every mid update you make. rrp is for complete work.

Pascal Lindemann

Then stop your sponsorship and whining, because Runey is creating a really good game and has a life beside the programming of the game


Exactly as it states in game when you try to explore too late. The story may not make complete sense there, but you can still do it. If I were you, I would just keep my save for now and pretend I'm at the beginning of a new game whenever I click the Explore Caliber City option.


How about Dungeon scene(s) for Ellen? She HAS to be personally familiar with the room already, just not with current Manager...

Dr. Cal

New to the game, but just about finished everything in 0.15 (still have Vanessa's story, and Ashley owes me one more lust explosion) and thought I'd throw out a few thoughts in review and for the future. I suppose in review the ONLY thing I was disappointed about was that Android didn't get to use the artificial womb for Ally. When that conversation happened with Dr. L, I was hyped. Everything else I might have said are things that will surely see development later on, so keep up the good work. On the plus side, I really like Lin's arch. This whole anti-slavery element of the story is what kept me playing (I tend to get bored of hentai games pretty quickly). While the mature elements of the game are fun, these various story arches are what make it a game worth playing. Can't wait to see 0.16.


Detected what may be a small glitch in v015 that you could maybe fix while you're in bug-squashing mode for 016. It regards the selection of who's going to hang around in the lobby. Right now it seems like once a resident is selected, that's it for the day, that's the only person who hangs around, unless their schedule dictates they be elsewhere (kitchen, university, shower, etc.), whereas it should be churning more, rechecking all possibilities every time the time period advances. If the latter is what was intended, it's not doing it that way.


If there are childrens, the game ends!! I don't want that 😭😡