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A night with Sylvia.



Is the event for both? Love and slave or Just for one of them?


My guess would be the love route, but that's just my personal guess, not based upon any facts, just a feeling :)


From all the teasers i've seen, i'm 100% sure i'm gonna absolutely love the next update!!! Thanks Runey for the hard work <3


Story content goes to the love route. The slave route is there for those who don't care about these two characters and just want to sex them up.

red kazami unboxing

i think this new update wil have long gameplay and ofcourse beautiful 😍

Phoenix Fire

damn this patch looking so good i might have to upgrade my pledge


Killin' it, Runey. I turned around for a second and suddenly there's another update. Thanks for sharing these characters and their stories. <3


Just made an interesting discovery. It appears that any saves made in game versions from before the boat voyage cannot be loaded into v.12. Maybe this was known before, but I just found it now. Keeping my Day 300+ "current story" save, but starting a New Game just for kicks. And to see if I can reach the same development level as the old game in fewer game-days.


Saves after v0.2 should work, though there are cases where the player may have saved on a spot that technically no longer exists in the code, in this case you can usually try to Ignore or Rollback the error.

Timo P

I just realized that I can afford to increase my pledge. I cancelled one other game for bad storytelling: game environment was good, but story was hideously badly planned, you could get stuck in irreversible damage to your game months after decision made even with walkthrough, new update just created another pothole that without walkthrough caused same situation and there were no way to fix it and designers just didn't care. Greed I guess. This game is infinitely better, so money goes here instead.


Rolling back was not an option, game completely crashed. I think I preserved backups of the saves, if you're curious, but it's not that big a deal.


Got a bone to pick regarding one of Kate's riddles, the one that begins "On Earth I am dead...". The accepted answer is "o", from moon, bloom, and room. However, "oo" is the more correct answer, in light of of the "I cannot move on my own" line...the implication (which is what riddle solutions are often rooted in) being "it (I) can move in the company of another"! Single "o" being included within the condition phrase (cannOt mOve On my Own), adds further weight against it! Suggested rewrite (key is to maintain the rhyme w/ something other than "oo"): "On Earth I am dead, though I live on the moon. I am in no crater but I'm in every room. I am matched in a book but not in the tomb."


On that same note, how does seeing nothing equal death? I'm sure blind people will disagree.