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Top 3? Top 5? Let me know why, I'd love your feedback :)

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I love Emma and Felicity, would love to have both!


I just have to say Lin will always be my baby I'm really loving Ashley too

The Polish

Lin will always be my favourite, both her design and character are just so enthralling. I didn't like Ashley initially, but as her story unfolded I grew to appreciate and then like her.


Top 3 for me were Kali, Emma, Lin. Think Lin has been built throughout the builds and can't wait for her growth. Kali has just been little bit of fireball. I know she's not red head but having a one off with her might be fun


Lin for her quiet but furious devotion, Ashley for rising above her heart-breaking background, and Kali for being a gorgeous pervert.


I would love to have more hugs with all of the characters


Hugs and Kisses may be included in the future, and may only appear when you have the In Love trait :)

allen kahl

Maria would be my favorite because, she seems to be the perfect wing man for getting the girls to try new stuff with MC


I definitely like all the girls and want them all to get content. Maria is my least favourite. Just not my type. Lin is my definite far in front favourite. Not only is she the most compelling character, but her story is the whole story of elf emancipation.


Who doesn't love Lin, her back story, development, and overall cuteness is great. Kali is also very cute with her awkward shyness, glasses, and sister dynamic. Every character is amazing though.


Lin well always be best girl them emma who was always nice but was possessive but is started to learn and autumn I just have a feeling that's a beast waiting to be unleashed a real lady in the streets freak in the sheets kinda girl


Honestly all the characters are amazing but if I had to choose top 3? Itd be Lin, Kali, and Emma. They're all FANTASTIC though.


I love Lin, she's such a sweetheart. Kali was a butt at first but now she's very loveable and somewhat awkward lol. Ashley was a bit too crazy at first but I found her strong attachment and loyalty very charming. Felicity and Emma both i had disliked immensely at first because of the hell they put Ashley through. But seeing them gradually change and be more open with their respective ways of showing love made me really fall for them hard. 10 outta 10!


Note: I played thru the whole game for the first time recently for reference so these comments are for whole game overall. Autumn - I like the gradual corrupting. Also I wish the tricking her story went on for longer. I would love to see that come back again in some way or a way to keep it going with certain options. Kali - Favorite character by far! Android - I'd love to see more and more customization options for her to make her what you want her to be. Emma - Originally I disliked both her and Felicity, but she won me over hard, still hate Felicity. Maria - Best of the remaining option, I really don't care that much for Lin, Ashley, or Felicity, though Lin has started to win me over with her personality.


Felicity and Emma are top for me. I just love how they’re willing to go to any lengths for your affection and attention.


Maria is the great enabler. I wish she would recruit MC's help more often to stir up silly trouble in the hotel.


I really liked Android's story so far. Her and Ashley are my favorites. Android because she's struggling with mortality, and existential crisis. Ashley because she had such a difficult road, and is clingy. The difficult stories for both made me like the characters more than the others.


I think Maria is my favourite, she should be given official position as MC’s second in command, (harem) hotel supervisor or something, just think of all the sexiness she will generate with that kind of power. On one condition though, once a month she will (be dommed by all the girls) collect feedback on her management style.

Gherkin Aurora

Lin is best girl by far, Android has a really intriguing story and in third it's a tie between Felicity and Kali

Raven Number 7

Okay so I chose 3. I love Lin because she's a adorable, loving and caring despite all her hardships and my real life personality has a habit of looking after and protecting those in a lesser position of power so the fact she's a slave makes me want to do nicer things for her to help give her the life she never had. Kali because i like the nerdy type plus she has my favourite body type. no joke, i would fuck holes through her until she's nothing more than Swiss cheese. and i like Maria for the fact she's perverted and owns it like a boss. that confidence is hot and sexy.


I like all the main characters. As for my absolute favorite... That's a bit difficult to nail down... It's a tossup between Lin and Ashley. Their storylines and personalities are what draw me most to them... It doesn't hurt that they are both cute as hell... So yea... My favorite is either of them... Can't pick which though. :-P


I like all main characters, because every caracters have unique back story and loveable properties. :)


Lin, Kali, Maria, and Felicity are my best girls.


i like new android


Please dont leave out Autumn!!


The only primary supporting characters I don't care for are Ashley and Android. But, Lin, Kali, and Maria are all great characters - my 3 fav, if I had to pick. Kali and her sister are, by far, the sexiest. Maria's demeanor is awesome. Lin is this incredibly sweet, yet incredibly sexual, girl - and, so willing.


Ashley because she's adorable and I find her story interesting. She also has *the* best tiny chest. Lin due to how her story keeps expanding the universe, alongside having a very close second best tiny chest. Emma because she's also absolutely adorable. I love both twins, but Emma wins out. That would be my top 3.

Jesster Gold

I love the whole Android story. You're never quite sure if she's gonna go Terminator or sexbot. She's cute as he'll but just as deadly and maybe a bit crazy too. Actually that sounds like a few of my exs too.


I already love Autumn more than she loves me! Her farm scene was wonderful and now I'd like to see her moving forward with her feelings. Kali is the sexiest character, and I sort of resent Lucia trying to perv things up. Lucia is great on her own, but let Kali be Kali! When will Ashley finally get pregnant? I would like to to see Ashley, Autumn and maybe Ellen have children with the MC, with him being happy and loving about it. Also, I would like to see the Android lose the mask for good.


Ellen, MILFS rules!


It would probably be too much work to fix it, but Android at this point have old scenes that no longer make much sense, since she has changed so much. Her demanor is often quite different and the prevalence of her mask in those scenes tends to break my immersion a bit, as it was a pretty big plot point that she decided to remove it


This is generally how character progression works, they change. They wont be in the same place they started at. Or am I missing the request? Is there a specific event that looks bad?


I'm not talking about story events, i'm talking about repeatable scenes, sorry for not making that clear. The one that bugs me the most is probably her sleep scene, but various sex scenes as well as some kitchen scenes have the same problem. As far as i recall, and i might be remembering it wrong, she has ditched the mask for good at this point in the story, which makes it slightly strange that she then still wears it. I guess some of it can be explained by the scene taking place at a different point in time, but certain scenes are likely to have happened so often as to have the mask reappear seem out of place


She hasn't ditched the mask, that outfit is what she considers her maid outfit, so you'll probably see it often. This may change, her default 2 outfit may be her main outfit down the line, but there needs to be a transition area before that happens because I don't want to lock every character behind a certain event in Android's story just yet. But yes! I do need to remake a lot of Android's events, such as making a second version of the sleeping event. Thanks for reminding me

Cory Krowel

Actually her mask fit is the outfit she’s most comfortable in. Her new outfit is also one she’s Also comfortable in because she chose all the outfit parts for it and it allows her to live a more normal life , but it’s not her true self. She says she’ll wear it when going out


I would like to ask the Android to "change clothes" (either without mask or humanoid) and then redo a second version of her old, repeatable scenes that way. That may be what the original comment was, too.


I like all the characters but my favorite would be Felicity, she trying so hard to be loved by MC, love the dungeon scenes where she ask MC to say that he love her, ... hope there will be more content for her (and her sister) in the future. :) Autumn is interesting too, can't wait to see how she will turn out.

Joseph Page

Really looking forward to autumn


Autumn has a great arc. The payoff is just awesome and she looks great head to toe (why do I feel like her feet are prettier than other characters'? I feel like there shouldn't be a difference but in her scenes, they just seem to be). Can't get enough of her content. If she had some spanking thrown in that would just be amazing. Kali runs a close second. Also a great arc. After her is probably Maria. Of all the characters, she's the one who is most like the women I hang around. She feels very authentic and "familiar" in the thing she does and says. Her scenes getting "acquainted" with the Android and when she finds Lin tied up are just fucking gold.


I like twins best!!! so hot so sexy so good!! ;DD