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I'm currently writing story and planning for v0.9, the Alpha build should come out at the end of this month, or the beginning of November.




Awesome news! I love moon!


Moon all the way!



Annabel Tokiwa

can't wait for the new waifu. She's adorable.

Michael Chase

Hell yeah, gimme dat Moon


Huh! I am not a huge Moon fan, but, uh, that might change with v0.9!


Yay more moon content


Looking forward to a full moon rising.


Super damn cute


she's so cute


its means that moon past to secondary caracther at primary caracther and move to the hotel?

Jakub Janoušek (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-06 19:28:03 And there I was thinking her role ended by bar training ... damn, now just to survive the wait >.<
2019-10-19 08:21:29 And there I was thinking her role ended by bar training ... damn, now just to survive the wait >.<

And there I was thinking her role ended by bar training ... damn, now just to survive the wait >.<

Brian St. Clair

I agree with everyone else, very cute and I approve *thumbs up*


Oooh an early birthday present. How did you know i wished for more Moon content?


What the....This is so cute!!!!Oh my god.


Foot fetish for moon plz


Yesss! Moon, the best side character. Can't wait!

Destineey &Konaka

Cool Moon is really cute and sweet. I hope that you will also add more interactions with the other 4 elves too. Maybe make Anne another maid since shes very easy to get along with and would probably be fine with that job she could be in the kitchen at night for dinner time. Great game cant wait to see whats new in version 9.

Alex Goodman

We shall watch your career with much interest

The Polish

I don't think Anne would actually like that, she's more of a sex slave than a domestic slave, well not more, she is. I don't think she'd enjoy a maid's work, she's most in her element when sex is involved.

Destineey &Konaka

Oh i was just meaning she is the most easy going of the 3 and nia is gone at night. But making the high elf sylvia a maid may be hilarious in its own way but yeah would like more options of things to do with the 3 elf girls.