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If you haven't heard already, there are some issues regarding Fakku this week. I'll keep it vague until the situation unfolds more.

At the moment, the future is uncertain, but there is hope.
If worst comes to worst, I'll need to begin development of a new game.
If I get the best case scenario, Harem Hotel could be coming to Steam.

Whatever happens, I'll keep everyone updated as new things come to light and are confirmed.

There should be a beta build next weekend, although it all depends on the situation at hand.



What's happening to Fakku. Just curious.


Hope it works out. Love your game!


Confusing but ok.


Damn hope this gets resolved for you as best as possible


I know, I have to keep things vague right now because almost everything isn't official, and there could be legal issues.


Confused as to what something going on with fakku would have any impact on you


Saw a bit of the issue. I hope you get what's needed.


man i hope it works out for you mate

Annabel Tokiwa

not sure if this has to do with the Hentai haven debacle. Still not sure why fakku make you have to build a new game.


hope things can be solved in the best way. for what i can do, i continue to support you for this beautifull game, hoping this "technical issue" not stop you for much long time in your developing.


Idc steam, but i really hope we can continue here - just love this game!

Brian St. Clair

No T_T I am honestly hoping you can keep going. Harem Hotel is my most favorite H-game on Patreon, possibly ever. I need my dose of Lin.


Just make sure to have a lawyer look it over before you sign anything! You have the money to spend on one! Perhaps even 2!


Steam isn't of interest to me-- i like to keep my porn gaming and my SFW gaming separated-- but I'd be pretty unhappy if development of HH stopped. Hope this works out in a reasonable way.

John Hamilton

Please don't let Fakku buy out Harem Hotel, if that is the plan. They ruin so much already. I don't want them to ruin this.


Not gonna lie ill be pretty upset if this game doesn't continue. Not sure exactly whats going on either I understand the need for discretion but any clue on exactly what the issue is would be greatful.


I hope it continues on under you, I love this game- but if you do have to abandon it than I'll be excited to see what you do next! anyway about it keep up the amazing work, story design and character building.


After being repeatedly asked, and repeatedly ignoring us or giving us false info, Fakku gave us a new stance and told us that no one is allowed to make anything off of any of Illusion's assets the other day, and will be contacting everyone and getting us to pay them money to continue under a license. Just taking a screenshot of Honey Select and being tipped for it is against their ToS or something. He doesn't know copyright law or anything though, that's why we're waiting for an official response.


I will be really sad if this game is forced to be cancelled


I hope nothing happens but if everything goes sideways it will be extremely disappointing but I will look forward to what the future holds


Sorry, Though I still did not understand the issue but am asking :Is fakku placing a copyright on your game


No, they are going to offer me a license. If I don't agree to buy it, they will shut down my Patreon page. That's not official news though. We don't officially know what will happen yet.


I don't get it... but it sounds like it sucks :(


Jeez, hopefully things turn for the better, can only hope this game can continue, if not just gotta move on sadly, gon keep supportin ya no matter what tho


So... Illusion is unhappy with you using Honey Select to make your characters?


Don't ever trust them to do their end of the bargain if you don't get a contract.


so does Fakku somehow own all of Illusions stuff and thus even say the Japanese version of HS can't be used or does this kind of "crack down" only count for the Fakku purchased English version?


That's the confusing part. Jacob says that Fakku can take us down for Illusion's stuff, but we're not sure if they actually can.


Seems odd. I imagine they would be able to if they had proof you owned the Fakku published version...but Illusion is still the developer. That's really odd...I can't imagine they could take you down for say a version you purchased on amazon and just did an English patch. whelp, I'll still be supporting and watching. You've my best wishes, ego and greed are a disgusting sin of humanity. Sorry it's turning it's attack on you Runey.


I appreciate the warning. I do have a question. So my understanding though is under copyright law as long as you don't make a profit off of it, its okay. Can you not just make the game for your patreons? If you just feel disheartened I understand that as well. It's been fun.

Annabel Tokiwa

They can take you down if they really wanted too. It's sad but, true. Fair Use in no sense protects derivative works like this. Fair Use is a relatively strict doctrine that applies to things like reviews, not to literal competitors to the original product. Also, unless the license explicitly states it you can't use screenshots/video from it in commercial works (except in limited Fair Use cases which, again, these competitor games do not count as). Yeah, it sucks that all these porn game developers didn't notice that they weren't actually allowed to profit off of Illusion's work... but hopefully Illusion/Fakku will make the licenses they're intending to sell affordable. It suck I really like this game too!


If runey did that he would still be making a profit from the game and he does not want to lock the game behind a paywall


I don't think it counts as a profit just financing the game.


I'm familiar with fair use, I was questioning Fakku here. They only not to long ago made HS available with them as a publisher. But HS has been available to purchase and slap on an English patch. So I'm wondering wherein Fakku took up having say what people do with either all of Illusions games or just HS. Or I'm interested where Illusion said they took issue and started this up through Fakku. Either way, its typical greed at its finest.

Annabel Tokiwa

Last I heard Fakku partnered with illusion so they now own the rights to all of Illusion works.


Hello Runey, I hope this all pans out ok. I just wanted to say thank you for the great content and know that we are behind you for support.


I know this might be a stupid question but is it possible to do a rebuild of the game without using HS or the stuff their saying you need to pay to use from illusion because I think it would be a shame to lose a game this good really hope it all works out for you runey


I really hope all works out I have been enjoying this game more than I probably should be and it's the first one to keep me up to date on the happenings

Jovanie Rodriguez

Fakku is starting to look like the EA of Hentai/adult games. They pulled some poop with HH (hentai heaven) as well. Sorry this is happening Runey. But I will support your new game if you make one. 👍


Yea HH doesn't seem like it's been updated in a while I'm hoping that everything works out


I appreciate you keeping use up to date on what is happening and I REALLY hope all goes well with Fakku, because I really LOVE this game!


It goes against copyright law also if it financially hurts a company ie handing out free copys of a movie or giving a free porn game to the masses in composition with their own paid for game