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Good news! v0.8 starts today. This means we're closer to release! 

I was able to flesh out quite a lot of what I have planned for v0.8, so I expect this update will be smooth, and possibly even come out faster than usual, but no guarantees.

From now on, every week there will be a new test build which will be available for patrons. This coming Saturday, $20+ patrons will be able to test out the Alpha Build of v0.8 Each week after that, Beta Builds release for $10+ patrons. 

What will be in v0.8?

There's much I would like to get into v0.8, I may not be able to do everything for v0.8, but here's what I have planned.

2 Story Events for Lin. Someone very important is in town. She may be a bit weird, but Lin has idolized her since she was a child.

2 Story Events for Kali. Kali finishes something she's been working on for a very long time which leads to an interesting discovery.

2 Story Events for Ashley. Following up from her v0.7 events, she's going to have a threesome with a certain someone. And also some lewd action at college.

2 Story Events for Maria. Maria meets an old friend that means a lot to her. She's nothing like Maria expected her to become, and Maria's actions around her are somewhat strange... Nonetheless, they want to spend some time in the city.

2 Story Events for Android. As she's discovering her independence, she also discovers something about her past. What she finds will push her towards a stronger identity.  

2 Story Events for Felicity & Emma. Felicity and Emma get into an argument that comes to a realization which will unlock some great new training options. Emma refuses to believe a certain fact about her relationship until she confronts him directly.

3 Story Events for Autumn. After the events of v0.7, Autumn has felt a bit strange. One morning while taking a shower, a pipe bursts. I wont spoil what happens between then and now, but she'll be getting some new stats and repeatable scenes in her room!

Revamping the Lust system, and adding it to every main girl with sex options. Here is  how this new system is planned to work. Every time she doesn't cum during any sexual encounter that raises 'slutiness' will also raise 'lust'. At 3 'lust', she will approach you in your room and ask to be satisfied. Doing so will result in her cumming and thus resetting your 'lust' to 0. You can also deny her request. Doing so will raise her 'lust' by 1. Now here's where things get interesting. At 6 'lust', she'll approach you again, but this time be much more desperate. You'll have the option to satisfy her, or you can request she do something to earn it. Concepts so far include: "Make someone else cum first", "You can cum at work", sensitivity teasing with Android, and more. Most of these will require the corresponding trait to unlock, but there will be other options everyone will have access to.

New Characters. Not main characters, sorry. Didn't mean to get your hopes up. But there will be new colorful and interesting characters showing up in some of the girls' story.

3 new Felicity Exhibitionism scenes

You'll be able to visit Ellen's room. Ellen will now relax in her room every Evening. Eventually you'll be able to do lewd stuff with her like the main girls.

Better stats UI. I wont be remaking the whole screen, but I will try to make things more clear. The current plan is this. I'll essentially take RPG rarity colors and apply them to traits. 1 - 2 will be white, 3 - 4 will be green, etc. Once you unlock the trait itself, it's color will be, of course, an orangish gold. The goal of this is to better show that you're progressing.

Love/Slave Route expansions. Nia currently has a good amount developed for her slave route, and some for her love route. Sylvia and Ann may get something, but Nia currently has the most planned.

Allowing the player to make a main character wear an outfit in their room, and possibly the lobby. This will require me to remake the lobby and each of the characters rooms. The lobby could use a visual update, so that's a plus as well. This is quite a lot of work, so I can't guarantee this will happen to every character. But the idea is you would be able to make Kali wear the bunny outfit in her room and in the lobby, as well as the other main characters. 

Anything else?

Absolutely. I'd love to get in some content for Ellen, Lucia and the Bar. There's much more I'd like to do as well, but everything other than what I said above is not set in stone, so I wont be commenting on that stuff just yet.

When will v0.8 be finished?

It's really hard to say at the moment, but I would say sometime in September. 

Thank you so much for playing, and see you this Saturday!



Cant wait for v0.8 now damn you Runey


Thanks for the update!

Doc Odd

Ashley in lewd action at the college? Any possibility this could involve Kate as well? I can't get enough Kate (if it were up to me, she'd be promoted to main character).

Late Comer

Ellen in lewd action at the hotel? Any possibility this could involve Maria as well? I can't get enough Kate (if it were up to me, she'd be promoted to main character).


Can you have Ellen have some sex scenes like the other main characters have?


Hello Runey will there be any other guy having sex with the main girls or only Mc


Only MC. As it says on my patreon page, there will never be any NTR.


I said this in this post. "You'll be able to visit Ellen's room. Ellen will now relax in her room every Evening. Eventually you'll be able to do lewd stuff with her like the main girls."


cant wait good work


I'm happy Runey, that you have such great ideas, combined with the neccesary health and competence to bring them to life at such high quality! :)


Can't wait. This is still one of the best games I've supported on patreon


Awesome and exciting update. Thanks for your hard work Runey!

Hoff Man

Jin content ? ;-;


Any update about the three Elfs slaves will be in the next update?


little question: a walkrought mod will also aviable or will have to wait september (interrested in story and event but have lost the patience to cheach with age^^) and thx for you're work


*reads list of the upcoming content* (link is PG) https://thumbs.gfycat.com/HotBareKatydid-size_restricted.gif


I am curious, are you gonna be releasing these in stages as you have been, say Lin's story then Emma/Felicity, so on and so on with final dropping around Sept or is it all at once, give or take around Sept?


Could Serni (Drow) be added?

Mr H

You're a genius Runey! Can't wait for 0.8! I know it'd be a lot of work but is there any chance that we'd be able to set a default breast size for Android in the future? I know that we can select the size for sex scenes but I'd like to be able set the size for everything else. This would go along well with the default outfits you're planning in the future.


The new lust system sounds awesome <3

Dat Muscle

I would love to see it complete <3, I love the story and waiting for it's update, wish you best luck Runey ;).


Toymaster. Lia. Is she the daughter of Nia and MC?


No, she's the daughter of Lin and MC. It should be noted the toymaster is not an actual sequel, but a possible reality in the future.

Andrea Cutri

Buongiorno il gioco e bellissimo ma mi chiedevo non sarebbe possibile inserire la traduzione in italiano o un traduttore automatico? Grazie buon lavoro.


Happy that you are doing more with Ellen. It will be nice to see her room and visit her.


The game having fault in entering the name can't play it


Read the troubleshooting tips for android next to where you downloaded the game.


Thank you


Hi, sorry if you have already answered but is there any traduction plan ?

Kuro San

I hope this game continues to grow and I will try to support it


Nice! :)

Ryan Serquina

I Hope you make this Succefully in the future!


Great! I'm really loking foward for 0.8 because I've loved the game. Just a warning about two major "bugs" that are happening with me at least: first one is an audio bug which, just after loading my save, the audio goes up to levels of ear rape for a second and then the normal music of the game starts. The other one is really annoying and may be something more dangerous than a bug. Just after downloading the game *from your patreon page like you said we should do* a lot of redirects and random ads started to appear while I'm using my phone. I'm not saying that the fault is on the game but you know... I've scanned everything on the phone and there isn't any threats.


When did the audio go up in volume? I've not heard of this happening before. I've not heard of ads appearing after downloading it either. The process on my end is very simple, I click the "Build Android" button, and it builds. Then I upload it, grab the link, and link it here. It makes a .apk file, and I wouldn't even know how to begin editing that. Or even scripting real ads that load on to your phone.


Again, I'm not saying that the random ads are because of the game. I'm downloading it again to see if it will solve the problem along with the audio issue. And this audio issue happens right after I load any of the saves, so lets see if a re-download solves everything. Also I would like to know if there's a way to make backup of the saves on Android.


The audio spikes up when you load my game? I think your phone may have a virus. I don't know how to work around with Android files, sorry.


Cant wait for 0.8 the sound of the new lust system has me excited


Both of those issues sound like you have an adware on your phone, and I have not heard anyone else on any site having same issues with this game, so it almost certainly came from elsewhere. Any "good" adware is not going to show as a threat...that is the point.

Hoff Man

Jin content? ;-;


"traduction" implies to me the OP would like a version translated to French.


Come on.I always support you


I’m looking forward to your latest update! I love the story that you’ve created!