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This is in terms of future content you would like to see and keep coming back for.

Choose your favorites!



voted uwu

Naughty James

I vote for all of it, plus you got some good game details but I also like how you have a story going but in time everyone accept you and who as what you are doing each day


If you are voting for everything, you are voting for nothing


You already know what I like hopefully more to come, but Bondage elements in story

Adm Trd Ferg

Turn it into a Brothel


More footjob scenes for more characters :)

Pedro Gomes

the difference of this game is that the player cares what the girls are going through or asking for, I think I should continue story on it.


Please, NO its a harem game not a brothel game. I always hate when devs make my harem into a collection of hookers. I'm not a pimp i'm a connoisseur of fine female forms. Got to get them all and that kind of thing ;)


Too bad you can't vote for more than one. Top three.


More stockings ^^


I like caring for and helping the girls, and seeing their affection for MC grow. Like with Kali, Ashley, and Maria, tho I am hoping there is more to come with them as well.


D, All of the Above


Definitely love that the relationships get stronger and more deep as the stories progress. Not just the relationships between the MC, but also with each other. You're watching a group of strangers slowly turning into a family. That's my favorite part, in what ever way it causes to happen. Just like real families, they bicker and fight some times, but when the chips are down they protect their own.


Doesn't seem to be super popular, but I really like when dialogue between other characters and development of their storylines is added. Makes the whole experience feel more alive, where it doesn't feel as much that your character is the only moving actor in the game, and things happen without them being there.


I have elements I like more and elements I like less, but more than anything I think the current balance of story elements is really good. So even though inter-character drama doesn't have a lot of votes, and isn't my personal favorite element, I definitely don't want to see it gotten rid of entirely. I'm not sure if that was even a consideration, but I felt like I wanted to mention it.


Branching is a bit of a fail in an H-game, unless you have a big enough team to produce so much content that every path is large and satisfying. It takes more effort than a linear story and the player only sees the regular amount of content.


We got dinner dates and beach dates, how about some dancing let the girls and yourself get down and Boogie.


Fun times with multiple girls is missing from the options


I like the kitchen stuff like spanking and taking stuff away from them. There should be more of that around the hotel.


i would love to see more sexy time between girls. the scenes between maria and ashley, as well as maria and lin were some of my favorites in the game


I like the idea of taking their clothing items away from them such as bra panties should be available for all in hotel


I really like the pee and visible creampie scenes


I would like you to add more sex with Ellen. She's a fantastic MILF