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Harem Hotel v0.6 will be a very interesting update!


v0.5 had some very sad stuff going on. In v0.6, a lot of that will be turned back around!

What will be in v0.6?

The scope of the game will broaden a bit. v0.6 will include story and interactions with most of the side characters. This means events with Ellen, Lucia, Juliet, Kate, Jin, and more! However, this does mean main characters will only get 1 story event this update, I am just one man, after all. This doesn't mean less content though, the same amount of content will be included in v0.6, as v0.5.

The bar will also be a major feature in v0.6! Including one new side character, Ji-yeon Moon! She's a hired waitress, and will also have events, and a unique personality.

I had started making the bar a couple days ago, to get a head start on v0.6. Here's what you can expect for the bar.

The bar will cost $1,000, and you will be able to buy it at any point in time. The bar will also include a ton of upgrades you can purchase. Each upgrade will effect your earnings every week. Every week, you will receive a Weekly Report, which will introduce mini events. Random things will happen through the week, such as... A bar fight. Your chances of a bar fight go up if you buy drinks with a high alcohol percentage, such as Top Shelf Spirits and Vodka. Some weekly report mini events will include: A patron dropping his wallet, a patron stealing a drink, Moon's lack of training/Moon's excess of training, and Maria's tutelage convinced a patron to drink more than they probably should have. Oh! I forgot to mention, Maria will also be a bartender! You can hire her once that story event pops up! These mini events will be in the weekly report, simply text.

Girls may have events in the bar, but they won't be getting hammered every day. However, there will be unique characters that come into the bar. Maybe a cougar will get a bit horny and ask for your VIP services? Who knows.

In the beginning, you may lose some money from buying the bar, but you will have a net positive. Through upgrades, the bar will be highly profitable passive income. The bar will also have 5 music tracks you can choose between, or shuffle between! Advertisements will also help you. 

In the end, I hope for the bar to be a place you spend a lot of time in due to the random events, music, and events for Moon and Maria, as well as some of the rest of the girls.

In other news, the Submissive trait, once unlocked, will allow you to rename that character to whatever you'd like! They'll still be referred to as their name's by other characters, but their name on the dialog UI will be changed.

To wrap it up, while main characters will definitely have important story events, the main focus will be on the "side" activities of the Hotel.

When will v0.6 release?

The goal is to release v0.6 around mid February

Thank you so much for playing!


(No title)



Where is that!!!


The picture? That's the new bar being added in v0.6 :)


So you’re telling me I need to save $2000+ to save Lin’s sister and the bar


I hope the bar comes with new sex scenes, 'cuz drunk sex is definitely a fetish. In a non rapey way. Really looking forward to the update, and as in real life, I'll probably spend way too much time in the bar! Uninteresting sidenote, my birthday is in February, this prolly gone be the best birthday gift I get! Love your work so far on the game!


I believe Ashley will definitely be doing some experimenting at some point in the bar. Maybe even Ellen too.


Wooooooooo!! Hell yeah!! Any chance of a super busty mature bartender? Or a super busty mature librarian that comes in from time to time xD


Not to denigrate Satanael, or his tastes, but any chance of something completely the opposite of this? I'm not sure what the opposites of bartender and librarian are, but if it keeps us further away from super-busty and mature then I'm all for it. Please continue to stay relatively near to the way that real women look. The moment I see a futa, furry, or gigantic MILF venus-doll character, the game will be ruined for me! And I love this game! Please, have mercy.


I wanted to say how much I was impressed by the consistency and detail in the characters, their motivations, and their psychology. Depth and detail can make the cheapest game in the worst program into an enjoyable and memorable experience. The only thing, elves included, that doesn't feel quite realistic is how easily everyone is controlled by your massive cock, but then that is a necessary part of the game and it wouldn't be fun otherwise. Thanks for what you've done so far.




Woot Woot, looks great. can't wait. Good luck with it.




A 17th century bar in a 20th Century Hotel. 🤔 i would have prefered fog and strobes mabe some dance cages for the girls and mirrors. But still happy with your work so keep it up.


So happy Ellen made the todo list. ☺


You really do this much by yourself? I'm really impressed. I wish I had more money to provide, but my financial situation isn't great and continues to deteriorate. Out of curiosity, have you considered making a stretch goal where you would hire someone to help with coding, writing, and/or something else to increase the amount of content per release?


I do! But sometimes I do hire some people for certain things, such as UI, and certain features that need programming. I hope this doesn't come off as pretentious, but I don't think there's anybody who can do what I do the way I do it. All artists have a style, and it's very hard to replicate that. I could bring people on board to help me make the game, but there would likely be a noticeable difference between style. And beside that, I would say roughly 70% - 80% of my work is coming up with ideas. So making everything isn't terribly hard.


Its your baby


Mate if you make it possible to buy the android that has a dick off the woman I will legit become a patron haha


In v.06 will the mc might get back with Maria in this update Runey?


It soundes awsome. Good luck and dont overwork yourself, better have something that takes longer and is good, than something that is rushed and bad


And some others will probably drop. Honestly, this is like the only game on patreon where you can avoid dicks, and that's one of the things I like about it.

Mr H

Finally a bar!!! Great work Runey, looking forward to another fantastic update! I love the idea of being able to rename characters but I'd like to be able to change what they call me as well. I think the old style of the bar looks out of place in the hotel, would that be changable through the upgrades?

Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini

Hi! I just finished palying the game and I found it awesome. I know I'm not a patron (yet), but I'd like to request more development around the Android's commands. What I'd love to have is an option to give her a command when she is in her room, at low level friendship she wouldn't like it but with higher friendship/submission she'd like it more. Oh, and I like futas so maybe buy her a futa module and make her sex Lin? Anyway, I'm looking forward to future updates!


You mention a command, but what would that command be? I'm on the fence about a futa module for Android.

Nathan.Eilisha Shiraini

Well, the commands from her manual, the ones that are used in the "Force command" choices when she has low friendship, and that are abused by Maria and Ashley in story events. Not one specific command, but you could start with one or two and expand slowly as you relase updates. Whatver works best with your schedule. As for the futa module, I know it's not everyone's thing. Perhaps you can make a patron's poll, to see if your paying patrons are interested? And if you do implement it, make sure to make it optional, it shouldn't be a requirement to advance Android's story.


Can't wait to see where this goes.


so you use all of Honey selection unlimited and the Honey selection party, texture, mod, animation, bodies, interaction... and you make us pay for your game?!!! If i want spent money i geve to illusion and fakku!


Haha, no, the game is completely free. Always has and always will be. You can support the development of it if you'd like. Honey Select comes with an engine called "NEO" which is a program the devs made for players of Honey Select that allows them to create scenes. All of this would be impossible if they didn't allow us to. Another thing that might be worth mentioning is Fakku and Illusion are completely okay with this! I've contacted Fakku and they've said it's completely fine. I even offered to buy a license from them if I had to. They really didn't care. In fact, there are games on steam that actually ARE being sold. I've even linked the game to them. They don't care. I do not claim to own any of these assets, rather I claim to hold the creativeness for it. It seems you haven't played the actual game, so you probably can't tell. I work like a mad man, 7 - 10 hours a day 5 days a week. Used to be more, used to be 12 - 15 hours a day 24/7, from when I woke up until I fell asleep. Hard work pays off. Have you considered that I may have been homeless before this? Or that my family may have been ill and that they may have been struggling to pay off the bills? Maybe I had a choice, pay the bills, or eat. None of that is true, but, have you considered it? What if this game was the one thing that was going to save my life? Would you still have been mad? Making games is a dream of mine, but I don't have the skills to 3D model or animate. Honey Select allows me to do everything I could dream of. I don't hide the fact that I use Honey Select models, it's actually the game's intended purpose (NEO that is). If you have any more questions, think about them first, then ask. Knowledge is power, my friend.


Thanks for the explanation. I understand very clearly .. I'm not a troll or something like that. I'm very sorry, i wrong judge it. In the future, be clear on your source. Some credits in plus don't waste and make everything more simple <3 <3


All I can say is I found this game on a random website I accessed by mistake, but fell in love with right away. I love the amount it has, story and actions . Great job and thanks for the fun

Ryan Serquina

I Agree Same To Me I Just Found it On Another Website I Fell in Love too


is there a way to get maria to move in? she doesnt show up in any rooms


3 elves was duels, and cant buy them yet, also, what input code using for, it nothing happen, have one room still empty and wait for updates


Well said, sir. People are funny some times. Almost all major-market games are built on some pre-existing engine, and no one attacks their efforts.