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 Here's what should represent the final version of v0.4! I still need to  add a dreamscape event, and do some bug fixing/polishing.

A new game is highly recommended. New story and features have been added throughout the game.


Mac > HERE 

Android > HERE





[code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/script.rpy, line 42386) -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/script.rpyc", line 7242, in script call ��9�9�O��ڇX\U�S��y�������ږ�_�mS�\�]����XW����U����ܕz!�@K�])]�' ��� U��!ssSļ File "game/script.rpyc", line 42386, in script File "E:\games\Harem_Hotel-v0.3.5-pc\Harem_Hotel-v0.4_Patron_Release-pc\renpy\ast.py", line 1729, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "E:\games\Harem_Hotel-v0.3.5-pc\Harem_Hotel-v0.4_Patron_Release-pc\renpy\python.py", line 1941, in py_eval code = py_compile(code, 'eval') File "E:\games\Harem_Hotel-v0.3.5-pc\Harem_Hotel-v0.4_Patron_Release-pc\renpy\python.py", line 674, in py_compile raise e SyntaxError: invalid syntax (game/script.rpy, line 42386) Windows-8-6.2.9200 Ren'Py Harem Hotel v0.4_Patron_Release Sat Oct 20 22:06:26 2018 [/code]


when i tried to scrolled back and allowed Lin


20th night when i click on the bed i get an error script


This is relating to Lin. If her friendship is greater than or equal to 6, you won't be able to play.


Yay! Redhead incoming!

Mr H

When are you planning on releasing a fix for this? I'm dying to dive into 0.4, but not when it has a game breaking bug.


Cant install. :( more then 4gb free space. Installer just says app not innstalled an no error code. Clean some more storage and see....

Mr H

I see you posted it now, I'll check it out later tonight when I have time. Thank you!!!


day to short need night party, night visiting


A night system is definitely something I want to add, and is fairly easy to do. The problem is, what would you be doing? The girls will be asleep, Ellen will be gone. The game is balanced around being able to do things with the girls in only 3 time slots. Depending on what you could do at night, it may be harder or easier to implement this system. My ears are always open to ideas!


One error ive noticed is if you happen to buy the veil before the andriod is ready to reveal face it will no longer let you proceed as you are only prompted to give the veil and she will not accept

Miss Rose

the pc download link does'nt work for me and i just subscribed to get it. can you fix the mega link for pc ?


I've bought some outfits but the game froze when the mailman came to deliver, is there any way to reset it, since I cannot buy them again


The game froze? As in it crashed? I think that issue has something to do with your computer, such as high ram or CPU usage.


I think that the idea of having a night party in your room with the girls, which could lead to lewd things, is good.


I'm sorry, I didn't explain myself correctly, when I receive the notification that the mailman has arrived, after clicking the message, I'm stuck on the scene from outside the building. I don't have any option to enter the building or anything, just an image of the building. I can save/load the game, and it seems that clicking on "skip" lets me enter the building again, but it seems that some dialog/option is missing.


As for what to do after trust/romance has started with a girl and if you want to add lust levels to all girls, we can do fondling type things at night.


PC link doesnt seem to work and if i go to the public download it showing 4.3 still is that the most recent version? only looked at the home page havent looked anywhere else yet


This is the v0.4 pre release build. It's no longer up to date since v0.4.3 has been released to the public. The Download link on the front page of my Patreon page links you to where you need to go. v0.5 is currently in Beta #2


ok thank you dont know why this is just now showing up on my patreon feed


The basement is all free so it means that 2 girls one punishes the other (Ashley-Kali) and the strip bar dance earn money and relax and drink themselves. sorry for bad english.... think fantasy knows no bounds