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Stephanie Lilith fished her GHS Corporate Contractor ID out of her purse and hung it by its lanyard around her neck.  She turned in her seat and put her heels back on before rising out of her ‘68 mustang.  One part of being a woman she never got the hang of was driving in heels.  As she worked the clutch, gas, and brake in her stockings, she missed her large manly feet and the tennis shoes she had worn before her mother had transformed her into a woman.

It was one of the few regrets she still admitted to, the perfect health, potential immortality, and her mother’s vision of a post-male utopia far outweighed the loss of her cock. In fact, her new equipment had introduced her to a whole new world of pleasure.  Lesbian sex was different, but just as enjoyable, but taking a cock into herself was a sensation she had never expected, and one she enjoyed more than she thought possible.   It’s one thing she would miss if her Mother ever accomplished her goals.

She made sure her silk blouse was straight, smoothed her knee-length pencil skirt, and pulled on her short jacket.  She took a few steps toward the building entrance, then remembered that two of the three people she was about to meet with were men.   She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse and shortened the lanyard so that her Badge sat directly below her cleavage, giving the men an excuse to look and giving her the advantage of their distracted attention.  Having once been a man, Stephanie knew how to play them like instruments.

Badge in hand, she bypassed the front desk, passing through the second set of access-controlled doors and then taking the elevator up to the 14th floor.

Across the floor of low cubicles, she could see the glass-walled conference room.  Glen Davis, the Chief Security Officer of GHS Corporation, as well as another man, were seated at the table across from Laura Steel, the GHS Liason to Stephanie’s mother Dr. Katherine Lilith.

Both men rose to their feet as Stephanie entered the room.  Stephine suppressed a smirk as she noticed the eyes of both men drop to her breasts for a split second before getting under control.

Laura smiled up at her.  “Steph!  Good of you to come in!  You know Glen and this is Rich Sawyer, who handles our labor acquisition and offshore distribution business.”  
Rich reached out to shake Stephanie’s hand. Stephanie returned the handshake and said “So you’re the chief slave-trader for the company!”

Rich’s face went white.  He glanced down at Laura in dismay.

Gary suppressed a chuckle behind him.  “Miss Lilith, like her mother likes to speak plainly.”

Stephanie smiled devilishly.  “I’ve done business with San Veritas myself” she said.  “There is no need to dance around terms.  We are both slavers.  In fact, I think that’s why I am here.”  She said looking at Laura.  “You mind if I get some coffee,  I just came from the courthouse and the stuff they have tastes like river-mud.”

“I’ll get you a cup!” Gary volunteered.  “You like the Kona blend if I recall?”

“Yes, Black” Stephanie replied.  It was a manly taste she had acquired when she was still a man.  She set her attache case on the conference table and took a seat next to Laura.

“How is the Retreat coming?” Laura asked.  “Was the property what you were looking for?”

Stephanie nodded.  “The property is perfect.  Thank you for scouting it for us.  Your technicians are installing the last bits of equipment today I believe.  If the staff works out, we should be more than ready for our first class on time.”

“I look forward to seeing the results”  Laura replied.  “I’ve seen your mother’s status updates from the prison study and from the Island, but witnessing it in person has got to be amazing!”

“Speaking as a result, I tend to agree” Stephanie said.

Laura inclined her head.  “But I never knew you as a man.  This time I get to see the before and the after.”  Her eyes drifted up and fixed on a office door on the far wall.

“Yes.” Stephanie said.  “I assume you called me in for more than a status report.” She turned and looked at Rich who had taken a seat across the table.

“Heh” he said.  “Yeah, We’ve had a bit of an error.”

“Do tell” Stephanie prompted.

“I’ll let Glen address the particulars, but a compromising bit of data was seen by an employee who shouldn’t have.”  Rich said.

“AH….” Stephanie said.  “Information about the Retreat?”

“Oh no, nothing like that!” Laura interrupted.  “You are here to help us turn this problem into an opportunity!”  
Glen returned and set a large white china mug in front of Stephanie.  Whisps of steam carried the rich scent to her nose.   She picked up the cup and took a sip, leaving a bright red lipstick smear on the mug.  She loved marking her territory.

“Okay,” she said “Tell me what’s going on, Glen.”

Glen sat next to Rich and opened a manilla folder. A personnel file was inside.  He spun the folder around and pushed it to Stephanie who looked it over.  There was a photo handsom clean cut man with hints of grey showing in his black hair.  The file identified him as Daniel Rains, a mid-level manager working logistics for the GHS Hotels division.

“The problem.” Glen said. “Is segmentation of business.  We have yet to get departments to follow the rules!”  He cast a glare at Rich who bit his lip and nodded.  “Some idiot in Rich’s department thought it was a good idea to add proprietary operational data to the company’s internal wiki!”

“Oh Jesus!” Stephanie shook her head.  “So why am I looking at someone in Logistics and not the idiot?”

“Because I need the idiot” Rich said bitterly. “He has contacts I can’t replace.  For now.”

“And when you can?” Stephanie asked.

“We will be talking once more.”  Rich replied.

“So who is Daniel?”  Stephanie asked.

“A good man” Glen said sadly. “Once we found the posting, we traced who had accessed the data.  Luckily there were only three exposures.  One, was a secretary, young, attractive and few connections.  She thinks she has been promoted and is on a business trip. In reality she’ll be sold in the SanVeritas markets by the end of the week.  The second is a Junior executive we were already grooming for our confidential operations.  We just promoted him sooner than we planned.  The third is Daniel.  His personality profile suggests that he will be unresponsive to a bribe, and worse than that, he was flagged by HR as a potential whistleblower.”

“Do you think he is talking?” Stephanie asked

Glen shrugged.  “No indication of that yet.  We only have file access logs, we don’t know if they were just missclicks or if they copied every word to a thumbdrive.”

Stephanie whistled.  “That’s a pretty big response over a potential misclick!”

“It included acquisition records of US citizens.  Some of those acquisitions were conducted domestically.”  Rich responded.

“Ouch!” Stephanie agreed.  The US Government was not likely to respond kindly if it found out GHS had been trafficking it’s citizens to overseas buyers.  Especially to a country like SanVeritas which had been under embargo since it’s Misogynistic revolutionary government declared all women to be property.

“Yeah,” Glen agreed. “We have taps on Danny boy’s phone and his house is wired for sound.  So far, no calls to the press or discussions with his wife but he may just be debating his next action internally.   We need to move on him now and we need to make sure the wife doen’t ask any questions.”

“Why am I here?” Stephanie asked.

“You need test subjects,” Laura said.  “We need Daniel to go quietly.  Your recruitment program is the perfect solution.”

“Why would he sign?”  Stephanie asked.

“Because,” Glen smiled. “We have two rather innocent-looking and distraught young women currently holding each other hands while they tearfully report how their boss, Danniel Rains, has been threatening their jobs if they did not preform oral sex for him daily.  We even have suggestive photographs and audio recordings.”  He held his hands open while he leaned back in his chair.

“Human resources is going to offer to keep this accusation quiet, if he agrees to attend a treatment program” Laura said.

“And the wife?” Stephanie asked.

Laura shrugged.  “Once Daniel is inside the Retreat, we will hand her the girl’s statements, the photograps and the recordings and then offer her ‘hush money’ to just go away.”

Stephanie nodded.  “What about Daniel, after she finishes the program?  Where is she going?”

Rich tapped the table twice.  “I have an associate in San Veritas who is looking to pay a premium for that kind of product!”

“Girls who used to be men?” Stephaine asked.

“Seems your activities on the Island created a market.  He already owns two of the girls you made last year.  But he tells me that they are mostly broken in now and it’s not as fun”  Rich explained.  “He wants someone freshly feminized.”

Stephanie nodded.  “We could ship her out right after transformation with no female socialization training, it would cut our costs in fact”

“Perfect!” Glen exclaimed. “HR just sent an escort to bring Danniel in!”

Stephanie looked at the closed office door Laura had identified earlier.  A woman in a pantsuit and a large man in a black suit knocked.   The door opened and after a short conversation, they led Danniel Rains to the conference room where they sat.  Daniel was seated in a solitary chair at the far end of the long table.  The stern woman placed a folder in front of him and then joined the rest of them, sitting next to Glen.  
“Mr. Raines,” She began.  “Some disturbing behavior has come to light.  Behavior for which we would normally terminate an employee and notify law enforcement.  However, given your long service and value to Global Housing Solutions, we are prepared to offer an alternative that would keep this whole affair from becoming a spectacle.”

“What are you…?”  Daniel stammered.

The woman nodded toward the folder in front of him.

Daniel opened the folder and began to read.  His face became pale.  “But this is bullshit!  I never touched these girls!”

Glen pressed a button on a remote he was holding.  The screen on the conference room wall lit up showing a slide show of a girl going down on her knees in front of Daniel in his office chair.  At the same time audio started to play.  It was muffled, but the voice was Daniels.  “It’s your turn today, make sure you swallow every drop.”

“I never said that!” Daniel exclaimed.  He looked up at the screen,  “She said she saw a thumbtack on the floor and wanted to pick it up before someone stepped on it”

In the next slide,  Daniel’s chair had rolled forward and the girl’s face was buried in his lap.

“That’s fake!”  He exclaimed.  He had panic in his voice now.

“My way or the highway!” Daniel’s voice said over the speaker. “So get down there and suck it up!”

“No!” Daniel whined. “That was out of context!”

“So you did say that?” Glen asked.

“It was supposed to be motivation!” Daniel cried.

“Apparently it worked,” Glen said. “Those girls were scared to death!  Scared enough to let you use them”

“I didn’t do this!” Daniel pleaded.

The stern-looking woman made a hand signal.  The audio recording shut off and the screen paused on a closeup of one of Daniel’s accusers with white fluid on her chin.  “Mr. Rains, you are well within your rights to dispute these charges in criminal court, and if found not guilty, you may even be able to challenge us in civil court.  However, that will be a long and public process.”

“Oh, God!  Kitty!”  Daniel gasped.  “What’s she going to say?”  He had tears running down his face.

“Like I said, we would like to keep this affair out of the public eye as much as you would.”  The woman continued.  “Miss. Lilith is here representing Dr. Lilith’s Retreat.  If you consent, then we will make this issue go away.  You can tell your wife that you are on an extended business trip. There is no need for this to go any further than this room. Miss. Lilith?”
Stephanie reached into her case and pulled out the appropriate brochure.

Dr. Lilith’s Treatment Center and Retreat.

Offering complete care and empathetic counseling for

Diversity Training

Sensitivity Training

Social Awareness

In an isolated and private calming environment.

Restart your life!

She passed it to Daniel who flipped through it quickly.  “Yeah.  Okay!  This doesn’t seem so bad.”  He put it down.  “I never touched those women!”

“The court would have to determine that” Glen reminded him.

“No…” Daniel’s shoulders slumped in defeat.  “No.  I’ll do the program.  Just,  don’t tell my wife.  I’ll sign anything”

Stephanie reached into her bag and pulled out the forms.

Half an hour later she was back in her Mustang.  Her heels were on the passenger seat next to her bag which had another set of signatures in it.  Three stops, three subjects, but only one so far would be attending the female socialization program after her transformation.  She only had one more stop on her list for the inaugural class, so she hoped this one would go all the way through.  She checked the address and was surprised.  The GPS was taking her to a BDSM Fetish club downtown.  She would stop by the hotel and change out of her corporate attire first.


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