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The clacking of the Grandfather Clock in the entry was deafening in the tense silence that had settled over the dining room.  Outside the trees swayed in the wind in the driving rain as the thick clouds made the afternoon seem as dark as twilight, causing the rest of the house, with its dark wood finishes, to fade into shadow outside the circle of light cast by the chandelier over the table.

Stephanie Lilith, daughter of the brilliant Dr. Katherine Lilith, watched Jeffery Harris intently like a cat observing its prey.  What was going through his mind? Could he possibly expect what was in store if he falls for this ruse? On the island, Stephanie had seen many men through the transformation, but this would be the first time she had fooled one into signing up for it themselves.

They had spent days brainstorming on ways to bring Mr. Harris in, but in the end, the solution was deceptively simple.  The kind of people who can afford their services are usually associated with the kind of people who can afford good security.   Snatch teams, unmarked vans, and late-night raids would only get people hurt.   Stephanie had no intention of finding herself on the receiving end of Mr. Harris’ Second Amendment expression, so collection would need to be done with finesse.  They would simply ask him to come.  In fact, they would even ask him for permission for everything they would be doing.

They wouldn’t spell it out of course. Even now, as Jeff was carefully reviewing the forms he was asked to sign, it would be impossible for him to guess their true intent.  Everything in front of him had a suitable alternative explanation and they had taken great pains to ensure that there would be no recording of this exchange.  Just in case, however, a plumber’s van down the street housed a small team of mercenaries who were ready to intervene.

Stephanie had no illusion as to the legality of their venture, but there would be more than enough documentation to tie up any investigation with uncertainty long enough to cover an escape.  Not that an investigation would even get as far as the documents.  The Retreat had been carefully erected in an environment where there were overlapping layers of officials who were open to inducement.  Compromised Judges, corrupt cops, and prosecutors who owed too many favors meant that the only true risk would be federal law enforcement, and Dr. Lilith’s friends in Washington were keeping an eye on that.

Jeff set down the stack of papers from the Retreat and picked up the other forms.  He shook his head and sighed while he reviewed them.

Carol was doing her best to hold her composure.   A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her head and her hand wanted to shake.  Instead, she gripped her wineglass and took a long sip of the Merlot she had poured an hour earlier and ignored.  He wasn’t supposed to even look at those papers!  They were a bluff she wasn’t willing to pay!  She knew they were meaningless, but seeing the divorce papers in his hand made her heart skip a beat.  Under the current terms of her prenup, she would be ruined.  Left on the street with nothing but a small stipend that did little more than keep her from starvation. No, she needed that agreement amended first before the divorce was signed.   She reminded herself that no matter what forms he signed, in the end, she would be at the retreat.  The Divorce papers he held were nothing but a prop.  She set the glass down and regained her composure.

She decided that the papers were a test.  If he signed the enrollment, her plans for him would stay as they were, a straight forward transformation into a skinny, big-titty bimbo just like that bitch Amy he was fucking on the side.   After that, the newly minted girl would be free to go with a new identity and an allowance that should be enough to keep her from having to dance on tables.

If Jeff dared to sign the divorce, however,  he was going to regret ever being born.  He would still end up looking like the blond big-titty bimbo, but just manly enough not to pass.  Still, she would have nothing but smooth skin between her legs, completely nullified with her testicles sewn up inside and her prostate removed so the sexual frustration would never end.  She would be cast out into the world with no identification and nothing but the phone number of a nearby pimp.   Just an ugly whore forced into a lifetime of sucking cock or taking it up the ass.

Carol’s lip twitched and she suppressed a smile,  now she hoped he would sign the divorce papers.

“Carol, honey.” Jeff broke the silence finally.  “I had no idea you were unhappy.  I’m….” he let the divorce papers fall.  “I’m so sorry,” he said.

“What for?” Carol asked.

Jeff looked confused.  “What for?  What do you mean?”

“What are you sorry for, Jeffry?”  She said flatly.  “I want to hear you say what you are sorry for.”

“For…” He looked down for a moment and then at Stephanie who’s gaze didn’t waver.  “Do we have to do this with her here?”

“Yes Jeff!”  Carol snapped.  “That’s the whole fucking point! If you are unwilling to talk in front of her then the Retreat will do us no good and you may as well sign the Divorce! Now tell me, why are you sorry?”

“I…” he searched for the answer. “I’m sorry you’re unhappy! I wish I had known my travel was bothering you.”

“That’s still not an apology!” Carol said. “You are still blaming me!”

“OK!” Jeff said. “I’m sorry I worked too much.  I’m sorry I traveled so much!”

“Why Jeff?”  Carol was pressing now. “Why did you want to travel so much?”

“I like my work.” Jeff said. “I enjoyed solving problems!”

“And?” Carol asked.

“And what?” Jeff asked. “What is it that you want to hear, Carol?”

Carol shook her head.  The bastard still wouldn't admit it.  “Fine Jeff.”  She said, “Whatever! Just sign something so we can get on with it” She stood up and left the dining room with her wine glass.   She walked into the dark kitchen and grabbed the bottle.”

Jeff looked helplessly after his wife unsure if he should follow.   None of this had made any sense to him.  He thought he had done everything a husband should do.  A man provides after all and he provided a good home for Carol with lots of luxuries.  He stayed out of her way and never questioned her expenses.  Yeah, he had spent a lot of time at work and on the road, but he had no idea that it had bothered her so much.  He wished she had talked to him before it had gotten this bad.  How had he been so clueless?  When Amy had gotten too close at the company dinner last week he had just warded her off by telling her how happy he was in his marriage and how he never wanted to jeopardize it.

He had meant it.  He looked down at the stack of papers from “Dr. Lilith’s Retreat” and picked up his pen.  Somehow he had failed as a husband.  Failed to show Carol how much she meant to him.  He would do what it took to earn back her trust.  He began to read through the stack again.

“Is this couples therapy?”  He asked Stephany as he scanned the top sheet.
“It’s far more comprehensive than that,” Stephany said.  “We like to think that when you finish, you will be a whole new person.  Ideally, the person your wife wants you to be.”   Stephany replied.   It was fun to tell him what was going to happen to his face and have him remain so clueless.

“And what about her?” Jeff asked. “Will we be together?”

“Your wife has already signed up for treatment, with or without you.”  Stephanie still didn’t lie. Her mother’s Modified Accelerated Cellular Regrowth (M.A.C.R.) treatment had the same effect no matter the sex of the patient.  It always turned them into a healthy young woman with attributes set forward in the template.   In Jeff’s case, the intended template was that of a 5’5'' blond girl with a 32DD bustline.  For Carol, it was just a younger version of Carol with a little more height and a little less ass.

“Ok.”  Jeff said.

“We will need a witness, I am a notary.” Stephanie said.    “Mrs. Harris, your husband needs you!” She called.

Carol walked back in,  the bottle in one hand, her full glass and an empty glass in the other.  She sat down next to Jeff, and tenderly patted his hand.   She smiled at him.  “Thank you”

He smiled back.  “Anything for you” and signed the top sheet.

Stephanie’s heart leapt as she saw his signature scrawled on the first form.  This was happening!  The dumb bastard was signing away his own manhood and he had no idea!  It took great effort to suppress a giggle, she covered it by clearing her throat which caught Jeff’s attention.  “There are several more forms to sign and portions that need your initial,” She said to explain herself.  “We marked each spot to make it easy.”

“It’s like closing a house!” He said to Carol looking at the stack.

Stephanie smiled  “Red tape!  What can I say.”

Jeff looked over the next form “Voluntary hold?” he asked.

Stephanie feigned exasperation.  “It’s ridiculous but the state requires it to be on file.  I won’t lie to you.  Some of the sessions will trigger a strong emotional response, it’s kind of the point.  We also may treat a patient with medication that leaves them too impaired to operate a motor vehicle.  This form makes sure that a patient does not storm out in a reckless state that may endanger themselves or others.”  
Jeff considered.  “Yeah, that makes sense” He initialed two boxes, moved down to the signature line, and paused.  “Uh, the end date is a year from now.”

“Boilerplate,” Stephanie said.  “Some guests may extend their stay, some may return.  This way we don’t have to file all the same paperwork again.”

“Hmm” Jeff grunted as he signed the form and turned to the next.

“Medical power of attorney?” He read the title aloud.

“More bullshit, if you don’t mind my language,” Stephanie said. “In the event you are incapacitated, like a medical emergency, we need authorization to treat you.   With your wife also attending, that form is kind of meaningless since we will just follow her direction.”  Stephanie was laying it on thick now.  Yes, they were taking his wife’s direction on everything, but they needed his signature on this so he wouldn’t be able to legally override Carol’s prescribed treatment.

“It seems excessive,” Jeff said and put his pen down looking at his wife.

Carol’s expression hardened.

Stephanie nodded and glanced at Mrs. Harris.  “I understand the concern Mr. Harris, however, we are unable to accept your enrollment in our program without that form.”  This was Stephanie’s first lie.  If he refused here, she would make a big show about calling her mother and then accept him pending a consultation.  Once he was on the grounds, they would then compel his signature before starting his treatment.

Mr. Harris looked at the Divorce papers still sitting to the side.  He looked up and saw Carol glaring at him. He was committed to doing right by her.  He signed the paper and turned to the last set of forms.  “Last Will and Testament?”  he boggled.

“Optional Mr. Harris.  We have you and your wife’s best interest at heart.”  Stephanie said. “This just ensures tha, should anything unfortunately happen, your wife will be the sole beneficiary.”

Jeff nodded and signed.

While Stephanie collected the signed papers and began stamping them, Carol’s hand covered his and squeezed.  “I’m so proud of you Jeffrey.” She said and then she poured a glass of wine, handing it to him.  “To a new life!”

“To a new life!” Jeff returned the toast and drained the wine.

Stephanie was impressed by Carol’s cold cruelty.  The two of them had just fooled this man into signing up for his own forced feminization, and she was all smiles and toasts.  Part of Stephanie was afraid of the woman.

“Now what?” Jeff asked.

“Our first program begins in two weeks Mr. Harris.”  Stephanie said. “So you have some time to close out any active business, and take a leave of absence from your job.  We will expect you the morning of November 1st.”

“The day after Halloween.” Jeff observed.

“Maybe we will have a costume for you” Stephanie mused.  “Good day Mr. Harris, Mrs. Harris.  I am glad we are able to help.”  She made a show of sweeping the Divorce papers off the table.  “I’ll have these shredded,” She said.

“Thank you!”  Jeff said.  “I think you saved our lives”

“That’s our goal!” Stephanie said and then let herself out the door.  As she did so, she tapped her smartwatch three times.   Up the street the Plumber’s van pulled away from the curb and disappeared around the corner.  Stephanie got into her Mustang, the one item she held onto from her life before her mother surprised her with an MACR treatment.  The one possession she still owned that she had purchased as a man.

She set her phone GPS for her next destination.  A hotel 2 states away.  Tomorrow she would be collecting paperwork at a county courthouse for a suspect who had agreed to the retreat as part of a plea bargain.  It was good to have Judges as friends.


Jessica Thence

Is this a book I can purchase? Or will you be telling the story in chapters on here?


This is a new story. It picks up immediately after “The Island Of Dr. Lilith” Which will be available on Amazon on the 30th. I intend for this to be a collection of short stories/novellas around Dr. Lilith’s Retreat that I will release 1 chapter at a time here. Once I have enough to make a book, I’ll bundle it together and sell it for convenience, I did something similar with “Princess May” which was realeased 1 chapter at a time on Reddit.