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In the deep blue ocean, a tale I'll tell,
Of a shark so dashing, named Supercell.
With sleek, silver skin, he slid through the tide,
A predatorial charmer, swimming with pride.

He glided with grace, a true underwater king,
And to resist his charm, was no easy thing.
He'd swim up close, with a suave finesse,
And whisper sweet nothings, causing erectile duress.
His teeth, sharp and gleaming, a dangerous sight,
In a smile that overcame the urge to take flight.

With a wink and a grin, he made the deathclaw's heart race,
Who then offered his cock, for an oral embrace.
'After all,' Brooke thought, the shark's mouth warm and slick,
'He's sure to appreciate my big, knotted dick!'

But alas, it was found, he should have put up a fight,
as those jaws sheared through meat with the shark's savage bite,
So in conclusion, my lads, blue balls may be hard to resist,
But behind each shark's smile, sharp teeth persist.

A commission for Supercell and https://t.me/Zeron_wuffle based on the mermaid YCH.



Fergus Wyrm

shark blowjobs are just asking for trouble


Some good rhyming there.