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Riley shivered, the cool damp air feeling sharp and raw against his naked skin. He was not used to the sensation of naked skin. He frowned as the tiger who had a hand pinned against his chest finished taking the last of the thick, curly wool from his right hip. The little bit of anger and indignation he had about all of this kind of separated from him, with that wool, the heavy fur dropping to the ground with a whumph.

"There you go, all sheered up," Charn said, his fingers scrunching against the sheep's naked chest. "That should keep you out of trouble for at least a little bit."

"Yes," Riley admitted. He wrapped his arms around his chest, shivering again, glancing up at the dark clouds rolling closer. "Although, I am a bit chilly..."

"Oh, I bet, now that I've removed your blanket. Go inside and put on the tea, I'm just going to get this wool sorted and I'll be in. Peculiar qualities about this wool, I have a friend who may be interested in it. Get." The tiger let go of the sheep's chest, and patted him on his naked butt.

Riley stumbled forward, cheeks blushing, stepping with high jerky steps. Sheesh, it was like being a yearling again! More than half of his weight had been shorn off of himself. That thick, heavy smothering burden was gone, and he just felt so... free. No wonder fleecy Riley was such a jerk, being forced to carry all of that bulk around.

He stepped into the house, his ears folding forward and then back, trying to ignore the bulked weight of his stropped scrotum as it flopped from thigh to thigh. With all of his thick wool fluffing out the rest of him, his balls looked fairly large for a sheep of his height. Totally stripped, though, the fat mangoes were just silly looking. Embarrassing, even. They were the massive nuts of a true male, the kind with a big thick soft musky coat of wool. Riley was absolutely not one of those.

The tea kettle gurgled and rumbled as it heated up, and Riley sat down on a chair in the kitchen, cupping the underside of his naked, thick pink dick. The broad head was succulent looking, the kind of cock head that belonged in the back of someone's throat, or imbedded deeply in their groin, spurting his virile seed up inside someone. Usually.

Now, it kind of just looked obscene, like a toy he had stolen from someone else.

He played with the large, inert shaft, feeling the awkwardness of such a large specimen in his slender fingers. He could feel the pleasure that the cock wanted to have, but the pleasure didn't belong to him anymore, it belong to fleece Riley, and Riley *hated* that guy.

The kettle chimed and popped, announcing that the water was done. Riley let the flaccid flesh flop down, nudging between the heavy black-skinned ovals of his testes, and then stood up. The weight of his junk tugged against his groin, heavy and demanding, as the shorn sheep moved to prepare the tea.

Charn stepped into the kitchen as Riley added the milk, rubbing his hands together and closing the door behind him. Rain was pattering against the windows, the room darkening as a storm rolled in. "I got that all tucked away, and..." the tiger wandered off, staring at Riley. The sheep held the two cups of tea in his hands, offering one to the tiger. He blinked, following the tiger's gaze, looking down to the dangling flesh of his shaft and nuts. "Damn, Riley."

"Oh, um.. sorry. Usually the wool hides it. Uh, your tea? I Added one sugar and one cream."

"Sure, sure," the tiger said, taking the scaldingly fresh tea and downing it in a single gulp. He put the cup on the counter and approached Riley, steam streaming from his nostrils and the corners of his mouth. "You really need help with this, don't you?"

"Help? Oh, no, you don't have to help me with anything, you've already done so much. I'm sorry I was so cantankerous earlier."

"Nah, you were fine. Fully wooled sheep are always kind of ornery about things. Once you strip 'em down, though, they're super sweet and docile." The tiger had gotten closer, and now his firm, strong hands cupped up against the heavy nuts, lifting them into his palms. "You're mostly stripped down, but..."

Riley blushed, fidgeting with his fingers as the larger feline handled his equipment so casually. If he had been fleeced, he would be the one grinding against the tiger's fingers. His shaft thickened at the touch, as the tiger's rough pads gripped and tugged along it. He got hard, because the tiger was trying to make him hard.

"But?" Riley asked, quietly. "Is there something more that you want to do with me?"

"Yes." Charn said. He looked into Riley's eyes, meaningfully, as he gently squeezed around the neck of the sheep's scrotum. The simple action pushed them downwards into the dark pouch, bulging out the bottom of it in an aching kind of way. His fingers tightened, and he twisted his wrist back and forth, slowly. "Why don't you let me have all this?"

"Of course," Riley said, slipping his hands behind his back and folding his head down, submissively. "Anything you want, of course, is yours."

Charn squinted, peering at the sheep curiously. "I was just joking, Riley." He chuckled, glancing back down to his double handfuls. "But now that I think about it..." and he licked his chops.

He tugged down on all that meat, swinging the neck-gripping hand down and lifting towards himself, so that the nuts slid into his palm. He pushed the dickmeat down between them with his other hand, gripping the root of all of it and stroking downwards, tugging and stretching it away from Riley's body. "But you seem to like the idea? Are you getting hard, thinking about losing all this?"

"Well," Riley started, quickly, cheeks and shoulders reddening with embarrassment. "I just want you to have whatever you want." He couldn't help himself - if Charn had asked him to stick his hand into boiling water, he would have, if it would please the large tiger. "You do want them, right? I can feel it in the way you're holding them. You really want my big sheep nuts."

Charn swallowed, then, his tail flicking behind him in a nervous gesture. "Well, yeah, of course I do-"

"Then take them, Charn." Riley smiled. "I want you to have them. I want you to do something wonderful with them. Do you want to eat them? Chew them and feel them pop in your mouth? Feel the hot meat sinking into your belly? I've heard you croon over how good you feel when your belly is stuffed..."

"Okay, okay," Charn said, letting go of Riley's junk and putting up his hands, defensively. "You got me. Yeah, I love eating dick meat. But if you're just asking me to do it, it takes the fun out of it." He stepped over to the counter, pacing in a slow circle with a hand rubbing against his chin.

"Well, I want it to be fun. I'm sorry," Riley said, shamefully. He looked down at his extended dick, swollen but not firm, dangling down thick and meaty. "If you would prefer, I can pretend-"

"Oh, god no, don't even suggest that," Charn laughed. "It's fine. The element of surprise is a fun spice to use, but..." He reached into the dish bin at the side of the sink, lifting up a cereal bowl and grinning as he saw something underneath it. He lifted up a chrome metal ring, swirling it between his fingers. "Perfect. Why use imaginary spices, when we can use real spices instead? Come here, Riley."

Riley obeyed, approaching the tiger with his hands still behind his back. He watched as the tiger applied the portal to him. The tiger at first tried to just push the fat nuts through, one at a time, but wouldn't you guess, they were just a little too small to fit through, even with the tiger knuckling in at them from his side. He had to try a different method, cupping under the left nut with his palm, and grasping it firmly. The soft, smooth scrotum drew tight over and gently compressed the fat egg, and with a healthy blob of the tiger's saliva, it was slick enough to fit through. The tiger gripped firmly, squeezing down enough to keep a tight grasp around it, and twisted it into the chrome ring like one would insert a cork back into a wine bottle. Riley winced, gritting his teeth as the nut slowly pushed in, before FLOPPING quickly out the other side. He gasped, sagging slightly, before the other nut was similarly forced through.

He swore he felt the cords of his first nut crackle as the bulk of the second egg was ground against them, crushing them against the inner rim of the portal ring. His dick, turgid as it was, was easily folded down and stuffed through after. The precum seeping cockhead left a trail of slime along the crease between the nuts as it tucked through, and just like that, the tiger is twisting the cockring and separating it, tugging the half with the junk hanging out of it free from Riley's groin.

It was peculiar, feeling the weight tugging at his groin, with nothing actually hanging there, but Riley was entranced at seeing his genitals being held in the feline's paws. The large tiger held his meat carefully, but firmly, lifting and inspecting the fattened cock, the magically-displaced balls tightening in their sack. Weirdly, now that it wasn't 'his' cock anymore, it was thickening quite quickly.

"Oh, yes, this is fine mutton," Charn said, as he walked over to the prep counter. "I'm going to need some coriander, cumin, and cinnamon. Can you get some from the cabinet? And a large steel bowl. And some breadcrumbs. Same cabinet."

The tiger scoured the sheep's beefy equipment with a bristly, oversized toothbrush. He peeled back the loose skin at the head, and grouted underneath the large ridge, then down along the inside of the foreskin itself. The crease between the balls and the cock was similarly scrubbed, bristles biting into the soft skin to degrease and demusk the sheep's portaled meat. Riley cringed, legs tucking together as he fumbled through the jars of spices and baking ingredients. Cinnamon... Coriander... and what? Cardamon? C-cum? Cum in what? The poor sheep's mind boggled.

Charn wrapped the freshly rinsed meat in a towel, firmly kneading and squeezing, scrubbing the fattened flesh up to dry it out. He pulled it free, the dick throbbing now, pink flesh a richer, darker red, the cap bulging out firmly and intently. "Damn, you're ready to fuck aren't you? Well, luckily for you, I know just the hole to pump your meat into."

The bowl with the spices and breadcrumbs was brought over, Riley watching as the tiger handled his meat. It was erotic, and intense, and Riley could feel his dick throb, brain tingling as he watched that other cock throb at the same time.

"This is gonna hurt," The tiger confided, as he dropped the meat unceremoniously into the bowl. The cockring BONGED against the steel, the nuts and dick slapping against the smooth surface. He began to open and dump seasonings onto the meat, gritty powders coating the tacky, still damp length. "And don't worry about them, we're going to pass it through twice to make sure it's all evenly mixed."

Riley's eyes widened, as the tiger pulled a heavy metal contraption from the back of the counter forward, the base screeching against the counter top as the electrical meat grinder was brought over.

The end of it , the output as it were, was a metal pipe around three inches wide, with small metal holes. Riley knew from experience that the way the grounder worked was to use a corkscrew to force... chunks... of meat against those holes, the pressure from each chunk as it slid down the hole, forcing the next one through the little holes. It was all about pressure.

Charn plugged it in, and the contraption began to pleasantly growl and churn, sounding all the word like a purring cat as it vibrated on the counter. The feline looked at the sheep expectantly, smirking proudly as he lifted up the bowl. Lifting the meat out of it, he dumped the breadcrumbs and spices down into the wide open hopper, before putting the bowl back in place.

"It won't grind the spices directly," he explained, as he slowly stroked Riley's cock. "That's what the meat is for. It will push into and grind the spices into itself. Self seasoning. Just an old trick I picked up in Germany a couple years ago. Of course, back then I didn't have portals, so I had to find bulls with REALLY low hanging balls." He chuckled. Riley did not.

"Well, there's no need in trying to jerk you off to completion," The tiger said. He seemed reluctant to let go of Riley's oversized, overfilled nuts. They dangled so nicely against his fingers, resting in his palm. Seeming to come to some kind of acceptance, and without any further ado, the tiger dropped the entire package down into the grinder.

Riley jumped in surprise at the feel of the metal hopper against his nuts and cock. The metal cock ring slid down a notch on the back side, the smooth metal 'walls' of the hopper sliding up each side to keep the metal from being pulled into the grinder. His precious, delicate meat however, was not protected.

Riley yelped, hopping up and grabbing at his groin as the right testicle slipped down into the hopper, slicing between the looping edge of the metal corkscrew, and being pushed right into the edge of the hopper. The corkscrew was slightly flanged, and twisting the way it was, it was able to bite directly into the massive testicle - it wasn't like it had anywhere else to go - and pinched the bottom quarter of it off. Riley yelped, feeling the machine eating at his large testicle. Fleeced Riley would be screaming, kicking, fighting to pull his equipment out of the equipment, but unfleeced Riley just watched. He leaned against the large feline, as he shuddered, the corkscrew catching another large chunk of his flesh and pulling at it, pinching the middle of his testicle. The pressure caused a good chunk of the inside to flop out of the testicular casing, directly into the spinning grinder gears. He felt the salted powdery spice clinging to it, before it was sheared free of his organ completely. And then the next pinch-full was being crushed and pinched free as well.

The tiger's paw moved to grip at his cock, and Riley thought for a moment that the tiger was going to pull it free - to save him and his remaining nut. He wrapped his arms around the feline, burrowing his head into the soft warm floof of the cook's chest.

He could feel the tiger stroking softly, just with the barest tips of the fur of his fingers, around the rim of his glans, his cock head.

"W-what are you doing?" He asked, stammering as he felt the last of his right nut get pulled free. He could hear the plap-plap sound of raw testicle juice and flesh being crushed together, slowly extruding out into the steel bowl.

"Just adjusting things. Your cock and nut are wedged on the top of the hopper. I thought I could just tease you into cumming, and you'd go soft.... but.... yeah, you're right. That will take way too much time." The tiger continued to tease and tickle, just a bit, feeling that cock strain thick and hard, ready to spurt its last load, and then pulled away. ""Best to just push the rest of the meat in."

"Wha-" Riley said, as he felt nothing around the tip of his cock. It had felt wonderful... he had been physically very close. He watched as the tiger took a wooden spoon and slapped it against his remaining nut.

"Don't worry, Riley. You're going to make an excellent meatloaf." The tiger soothed, as he wrapped a hand around the sheep's back. "A much better meatloaf than you made a ram."

Riley felt his loins clenching, as the spoon pushed and nudged against his cock. "I can't wait to see all this fat, heavy meat turned into something delicious... something I can't wait to devour. A precious meal, and just for me. Doesn't that sound wonderful? That's such a nice thing for you to do for me, letting me take your meat like this. Thank you, Riley."

The spoon finally found a weak spot, and the other nut fell down into the metal blades with a thump and a grinding sound from the machine's engine. The fat dick flopped over the edge of the machine, and cum spurted and oozed from the tip. The thick milk dribbled down onto the counter, missing the hopper entirely.

"I, the , uh," Riley tried to say, staring at his last load as a male sheep being wasted on the counter. Why did it feel so... pleasant? Not like an orgasm at all, it was as if his body was pulsing with pleasure with every word the tiger was giving him. Spurting its load with each promise of delight at the meal the tiger was going to eat. "It's..."

"Don't worry about it, it's just your cum. The flavor is all in the balls, I promise." Charn pushed down on the sunken nut, watching in delight as the top half of it sank down into the hopper. He pulled the spoon free, and flopped the softening cock down over top. The thick length slapped against the far edge, still seeping cum... but it was softening. Sagging as the spent organ began to collapse downwards. The orgasm hadn't lasted nearly as long as a real male sheep would have expected it to, but it hadn't needed to.

Charn grinned as the broad head scraped against the edge of the hopper, leaving a final white blob of cum before sinking down into the hopper as well. Teeth catching, scraping, pinching that broad head off almost instantly. Then catching at the root and base.

"F-fuck," Riley said, feeling his orgasm-sensitive shaft being gripped and torn and ripped to pieces. "It's so ... much... please..."

"Of course, of course." The tiger squeezed around the whether, reaching down to cup the ring at his groin. A flash, and it came loose, a sealed fleshy spot where Riley's fat meat had once hung. A peculiarly familiar logo, of a C 'eating' a "co", was left in raised flesh at the groin. The CharnCo logo.  A chime came from both sides of the ring, and the distant one clattered to the counter, free of the meat it had been holding.

As Charn affixed the rings to each other, the grinder finished its meal. A thick pink log of hamburger rested in the bowl, spooled up in a lazy spiral. There were pieces of spice and bread roughly mashed in, where the flesh had caught and dragged it, and one end of it was darker red than the other.

"Don't worry about the unevenness," Charn said, as he set the grinder to 'fine' and lifted up the raw testicle meat with his hands. He whistled, appreciatively at the feel of it in his hands, and then began to feed it back into the grinder. "The second go round will even it all out. It's going to really be a spectacular meatloaf. You've done yourself proud."

Riley smiled, watching what had been his masculinity being dumped back into the meat grinder. He had no idea what he would taste like, but, as long as he could watch the tiger enjoy his meal, he didn't care. He was sure it would be perfect.

Artwork by https://www.furaffinity.net/user/rockblackhorn Rock, story by me, for Ristin Raccoon. Thank you Ristin! <3

Are you curious about what it tasted like? >:3 $20 and I'll write an addendum dinner sequence!



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