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Good evening, I'm running a special on story commissions involving RAMS (and ram related hijiinks) at a discount/word of $0.03. If you wanted to see yourself as a ram, have an interesting method of evil tiger trickery, etc, let me know!

I have had several people ask if I would be doing other species as a special, and I think that's a fun idea. So, I'm opening up the idea to patrons for 'weekly specials' ideas. This could be for specific species types, specific types of abuse (Toyota De-Dick-athlon, for example), or specific themes (Revenge porn, being emasculated on stage, hungry predator at the zoo, etc).

So what I'd like is for you to make a comment beneath here for each thing you like. Read through and see what the other comments are, and comment positively under every one that you like as well. This isn't a commitment on your part, I'm just trying to get a feel for what ideas are popular, so that I can kind of make a schedule of them. :)