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Hey there, so as we all know, absolute power corrupts absolutely, and well it turns out if you castrate and eat the balls of a plane-traversing deity, well, you get some powers!

Warning, this is much more violent than my normal stories, but is also played out in an upbeat/whimsical cartoonish way. Hyper violence portrayed casually, if that makes sense. It contains snuff, vore, draining, dismemberment, castration (OBVIOUSLY), penectomy, and maybe the most horrifying concept of all, Charn in a police uniform.

In this adventure, we see Deputy Charn reporting for duty in Hooferton, a predominantly male, predominantly ungulate city, several days after some crazy incident obliterated the town he lived in. Charn reports for duty at the police precinct and helpfully demonstrates to the police captain why he is, in fact, perfect to help track down the gange of ne'erdowells that have gotten the males of the city hooked on a crazy new drug that makes your BALLS BIGGER! Obviously, the only cure for this is through violent castration :3

This is part of an ongoing commission for Stan: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/bahamut6sic6

I'd love patrons to be part of this, if interested! I am offering a discounted rate for any patrons who would like to see their characters get busted up in the next part. You can be one of the bruisers about to mistakenly take on Charn in the ring, one of the innocent passersby, whatever you want.

The rate is $0.02/word, and with no setup or exposition, you are paying for pure horny fuel. It's pay what you want, the more you pay, the longer and more descriptive your part will be, but $3 would be comparable to, say, the rabbit in the police precinct or the rhino's part. DeWitt would be closer to $10.

If you want to be one of the bruisers about to get wrecked, it is only $0.01/word, however, you WOULD have to provide a character ref that would reasonably be part of a "steroid gang". They can be (almost) any species.

I will also offer a few free slots for characters, if you can't/don't want to pay. Just comment underneath with a character synopsis (a single sentence is fine, I'll ask for refs later if you win, this does NOT Have to be a character you have a ref for) and what they're doing at the gym/cafe next door/parking lot behind the gym. Feel free to suggest what violence you think would be cool to see written out, as well, if you'd like. :)


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