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"Mr. Vurgid?" the pretty young receptionist said, squirrel tail bushily flicking behind her. 

The black pelted wolf smiled with a growl, rolling up from the too-small clinic chair and to his feet. "Yah that's me. Finally." He huffed, brushing the smell of the rest of the clinic's waiting chaff from his bare arms, before following the little gnawbone down the hallway. Her tail flicked and tucked, and he wondered if it woulf affect his insurange any if he just pushed her into a side closet and showed her how to Really bury some nuts. 

Ah yes, the examination room. He had been here before. Slapped a doctor's ass in here, been forced to sign a waiver in here. He was handed another one as well by the smiling squirrel, signing it flippantly as he hopped up on to the examination table. The paper rustled under his jeans.

"Uh uh, you'll need to disrobe first. Don't worry, we have a nice gown that should cover most of you. Just make sure you use the tail flap, it's the only way you're gonna keep it from getting twisted."

"Sure, whatever." He was not going to be wearing a gown. It was covered in little freakin' birds. He had no problem shedding his pants, though, pushing them down and stepping out of his flip flops, naked from the waist down. He rested his hands on his hips and grinned at the squirrel, who managed to turn away from him before rolling her eyes. The door closed behind her.

"Eh. Prolly a lesbro." he said, peeling off his flannel shirt and dropping it in the pile of his clothes. A nice musky pile, marking the room as his. Had to be firm and direct with these doctorly types, can't let them start thinking they're the ones in charge or before you know it they got you convinced you're just a poodle or something. He parked his butt on the paper lining on the table and made sure to squirm back and forth, just to show that receptionist what he thought of her telling him what he, an alpha, should be doing. 

The door swung open again, and in stepped... the Doctor. It was strange how Vurgid automatically knew that this was a doctor.. not a nurse, She strode in with precision, with a confidence that came from dealing with deadbeats and druggies and schizos and who knows what else. 

Vurgid was almost immediately plumping in his sheath. He enjoyed it, and he was sure that she would too. After all, he had quite a bit packed in there. And what better way for an overworked, overloaded doctor to spend her time than... servicing him? It was a great stress release. Would help remind her of her place. And, being a lowly mongrel dog... that was underneath him.

She was a collie, with sheafs of white and brown hair pulled back into an economical bun, stern, copper glasses and a tight, courteous smile. Dogs always had that kind of grin, even when they were serious. Her scrubs did not really reveal anything, which was a shame, since what's the fucking point if she's not putting herself out there? Fortunately, one of them was going to be able to. 

He stood up, but rested his hands on the bench, his hips pushed forward as he leaned back. His legs were spread, and those furry balls were hanging down, nudging against the edge of the table, but mostly just taking up room between his legs. 

"Doctor, I need your help, bad."

She nodded, putting on gloves. "So I've heard. And what is it exactly that you think that I can help you with?"

"Well it's my balls..." the wolf licked his teeth, letting his tongue linger against his nose for a moment, thoughtfully, then licking up over his cheek - nearly to his eye. Oh yes honey, you know you want that. "They're aching something Fierce. I just don't know what to do about it."

"Aching, you say?" She jotted something down on the clipboard that the receptionist had left, and flickered through, one corner of her mouth flicking upwards as she checked the signatures. "Well, there are several ailments a healthy male, such as yourself, might be suffereng through that could be causing an aching feeling. Fortunately, I have a solution for all of them."

"Oh, I was Hoping you would say that." His cock pressed up, out of his sheath, glossy and red and blatantly thick, his sheath disgorging it into the open air as she approached. "I was thinking we would start with a little oral, and then-"

Her hand wrapped around the bulk of his cock, her fingers ALMOST touching. Such a nice, girthy thing. She stroked upwards, easing him into full erection, her gloved fingers squeaking against his rubbery flesh. 


"No?" he lolled his tongue. Ah, a lady who thought she could handle him. He ground up into hier hand, and she- frustratingly - moved her hand with him, not giving him the friction he deserved. He growled at her, then, leaning forward, not liking the teasing. 

"No," she repeated. "There will be no oral." She stroked him again. "I am here to diagnose, and cure your ailments, not to engage in puppy play with a horndog with, apparently, nothing better to do on a Wednesday afternoon."

"You're breaking my heart," he shot back, and ground up again. Again she refused to play, waiting until he stopped his hunch before stroking him again. Her other hand cupped under his warm testicles, lifting them from the bottom fo their shaggy wolfsack,. "But you're the one stroking off a patient."

"Merely checking to see if there is blockage. I have no intention of ... completing... the process," she said. She looked down - and so did he - to the solid erection beating with his heartbeat between her fingers. She stroked a gloved thumb along the tip, smearing the single drop of precum there against it. "And it looks like you do have perfectly fine tubing."

"No I think you should taste it," he insisted, resting a big paw on the back of her head and trying to push the collie's long, slender snout down to his urgency. He needed to get off, her touch was Crazy good and he wasn't used to them Not going down on him once they saw his perfect dick. "Just to be sure."

She slipped loose of his urgings, her hair sliding between his fingers, gossamer thing. "I think not. It would be unprofessional. And I am Always profressional, no matter what the circumstances." She slid fingers up along the back of his sack, feeling, finger probing firm enough to make his heavy stones ache. They were methodical, pushing and grinding into the little bumps and crannies, grinding against the cords in the back, making him pant and his vision waver at the wave of intoxicating pain and horniness. 

"You'll be begging for it," he gasped, trying to remain still as she stroked him, wanting to keep that perfect, almost mechanical stroke along his aching shaft. "In five minutes you'll be ... unf... needing my puppies."

"I don't think it will take that long. I'll have all the puppies I need in three." She smiled, a real smile this time, though her eyes glittered with something that surpassed amusement and bordered on mirth. "But you'll be begging Me, soon enough."

He barked a laugh, but rested his paw back on the table, hips flexing, belly tight as he felt his nuts roll achingly in his sack, his shaft throbbing. "Pull the sheath down, toots. It's getting tight."

"That's the tightest thing your cock is ever gonna be in again, Mister... Vurgid," she said, and nudged her fingers down, just touching the knot, touching it as he would expect to feel before plowing deeply within to knot. His organ flared painfully within his sheath. "And if you're a good boy, we'll see you spill all that slimy alpha seed out onto the floor of my exam room." 

She did not release his shaft, but she did reach over, taking a shining metal tool from the equipment tray beside the bed. He hadn't seen that particular tool before... it looked like a speculum, but with a peculiar ridge at it's end, with little jagged... tines, that seemed to overlock. Just beyond that, some kind of metal bent, caught between three metal tongs. He stared at it blankly, as it wasn't exactly a sexual thing... that he could figure out... but she was HOLDING it like that peggin' tigress likes to hold her dildoes, after she's picked out JUST the right one. Crazy cat.

"Uh?" He said, leaning back a little, blinking in confusion as she she nudged his dick again. "Just like... come on, pull back the sheath." His mind a storm of thoughts and feelings, of impulses and needs, but mostly desire. He wanted to FUCK. His cock jutted stifffly, obstinantly towards her as she lowered the tool underneath it. "The fuck is that for."

"This, bad boy, is MY bad boy Fixer. It cures ailments... like big, nasty wolf balls that are aching and full and making you misbehave." She silenced his protest with a first stroke, squeezing the broad cap of his wolf dick with her small, firm fingers. Then sliding back down, then back up, soothingly and making him harder still, his knot crushed in the root of his sheath.

He opened his mouth, but he had nothing important to say and they both, at this point, knew it.

"This makes neutering wolves like you soo easy. I didn't used to be able to jerk a stud off while I took their balls..." she paused, as he whined, smiled, and continued, "But with this, I can crimp, clip and Stroke you with only two hands. It's really quite ingenious. Oh, but you don't CARE about all of that, do you? Just like I don't CARE... about you getting off. So if you are planning on it, you better reach deep inside, into that subby little bitch living DEEP inside your brain, and let him out, because the only way you're going to cum...."

He felt her squeeze the handles, the crimping metal pinching around the root of his sack, a harsh bite that strangled his balls, just an inch below his trapped knot. He Throbbed.

"Is if you cum, while I'm removing your testicles... Right....N-"

She sputtered, not expecting the solid shot of cum that bolted out of his cock, splashing across her face, against her lips, defiantly. It was a nice attempt, but she was, even with wolf seed dripping from her chin, Always professional. As the second spurt of cum splashed onto the floor between her feet, his balls Shrped free, bitting clean off by those interlocking teeth, and fell with a thud between His feet. 

He whined! Helplesssly climaxing at this point, not meaning to have let her - he had meant to stop her before she had done it, after he recognized what it was, but... he just couldn't. He had just gotten harder... not just in his dick, but in his Mind, an intensity of Need and desire he had never felt before, the wave of submissiveness as she told him to cum, as she took his balls, the wolf Giving himself to her, then and there. 

He shuddered, seed dripping defeatedly from his limp, half-hard, turgid shaft, his knot already receding as the constricted orgasm drooled from his tip. He peered down, for a long time, at his balls, laying on the floor - forgotten, unneeded. He finally looked up... and there was the doctor, sitting on the examination chair, her Doctor's coat pulled up. Eyes slitted, grinning knowingly, and with her wetness exposed and ready.

"Now. Care to show the good doctor just what you can do with that tongue?"

And he never had aching balls again. 


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