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Jack scratched at his nuts, through his loose old sweatpants, yawning as he clicked through the various Saturday morning cartoons. Same old reruns, same old commercials, boring as fuck, dude. He pushed himself up off of the couch, leaving the TV running as he walked down the hall to take a piss.

He pulled up his frat hoodie, and pushed down his sweats, baring his beer-foam colored belly, and a danged long length of flaccid canine dick, respectively. Well, wolf dick, really. He grabbed most of it with one hand, his sweats sliding back up to cup against his heavy nuts, and let loose a long, loud piss. He snrrrked, spit into the toilet, wobbling that naked dickmeat around, then bent it down into his pants. 

Jack was the only wolf in a frat made up of dogs, but he was a red wolf, so he more or fit in. He LOOMED over the other dogs, just being bigger all the way around, really, but he was so affable and goofy, he never came across as threatening. 

*sprrf, whzzz, sprrrf, whzzz*

Jack didn't bother flushing the toilet, walking back into the hallway. What was that sound? It reminded him of someone having an asthma attack. But the only bro who was in the frat with him this morning was Abe.  Jack stepped closer to his door, one ear perked up towards the wooden frame. He kind of wanted to knock, but there was no need for it, and anyway, he wanted to know what the sound was.

*SPrrrf, wheez.... sprrrf! Wheeez...* Definitely some kind of mechanical noises, some kind of suction, followed by hissing air. 

Jack pushed the door open, peeking his head in. 

"Oh hey Abe, whatcha doin'?"

Abe was sitting on the bed, the brown, short, jacked canine looking up at the big dopey wolf. His legs were spread, the lights were off, but the Saturday morning light trickling in through the one window lit up the dank musky room enough for Jack to see the big plastic tube stickin' up between Abe's thighs. There was a dick in it, all twitching and swollen, the tube connected to a pump that Abe was squeezing and relaxing. 

"Bro, you're supposed to knock," Abe said, though that wasn't true. "I'm kind of busy, you know?" He gestured to the contraption on his dick. He squeezed the bladder, making it SPRRF, the big dick inside the tube swelling outwards. Then, releasing the bladder, it wheezed, and his dick resumed it's normal stature.

"Oh, sure," Jack said, knocking on the door as he stepped into the room. "But, uh, like, what are you *doing*? Is that like.. a cryo chamber?"

"No, numbnuts, it's a fuckin' penis pump." Abe said, holding the bladder, his dick swelling. It was a nice dick - while Jack had the true pedigree of a knotted, baculumed, pointy tipped wolf dick, Abe had one of those genetic furry dicks with the long sleeves that went almost over the tip, with the bulging glans. You know, the generic dick that all the half-breed and mutt type furries have. And Abe was definitely a mutt of some sort. Part beagle, part pitbull, part labrador, but, as Jack liked to point out, probably mostly corgi. Dude was barely six feet tall! Tiny little shrimp. 

"Ooooh. Why are ya pumpin' your dick, Abe? You know those things don't work." Jack rubbed at himself, casually, through his sweats, watching his frat bro's dick swell and relax, swell and relax, in the lube-smeared vacuum tube. "And you got a nice sized dick, so..."

"It's not enough, Jack," Abe said, exasperatedly. He released the tube, his cock deflating down to a meager ten or so inches, a trifling size for a canine at BullCock U.  "And you know the competition is tonight. I am gonna win it."

Jack grinned. "Fuck yeah you are!" He said, raising his hand up, but Abe didn't return the high five. Left him hanging. Dude was in a different head space, as he carefully pulled the tube up off his dick. "Gonna nail it, and then you're gonna nail every chick at Feta Pie, right?"

Abe grinned, a little bit. "Yeah, well, I mean, that's the goal... But like. I don't measure up. Not yet. I gotta get bigger."

"Pfft." Jack pushed his sweats down, and pulled his dick out, stroking it casually while Abe handled his. It was just what you did in the frat, bro. "You got like, the second biggest dick in the frat, besides mine. You'll be fine. I'm not even entering it, so..."

"Yeah, but that's the thing. I can't win it, knowing that I got the second biggest dick. It's like, BUGGING, me, man." Abe said, looking at his own dick, then at Jack's. "Fuck, yours is like, bigger than mine, SOFT."

"Yeah but dude, you can fuckin' toss a tractor. You're JACKED. SWOLE!" Jack enthused. His dick was getting hard, but he didn't want it to get too hard, since Abe was being all self conscious n shit. "Like, who cares if my dick's bigger?It's all about what you got in HERE, man!" He flopped over, and slapped Abe in the torso, with the back of his hand. "You gotta get your mojo up, dude!"

"Well..." Abe considered that, eyeing Jack's dick, then his own, and Jack could see he was still torn. Like, he wanted to believe it, but he couldn't. "I don't think I HAVE that kind of mojo. Struttin' ain't the same as lifting, you know? like, you know how to flaunt that big ole sausage, all the time, me, I gotta like... think about it."

"Aww it's easy, man. You just gotta think to yourself, "I got the biggest dick, and the tastiest cum, in the fuckin' frat." He grinned... then paused. "Oh, wait. You can't, right?"

"Right," Abe said. "Cuz I don't! Fuckin' A, Jack, I'm screwed! There's no way I can win!"

"Awww, you'll be fine." Jack said, not really sure where to go from there, but strokin' his dick anyways. "You wanna, like... suck my dick, bro? Maybe you just need to like... get my scent in your nose. Then you'll smell my musk and it'll make you as horny as it makes me, right?"

Abe looked doubtful. "Naw. I don't wanna suck your fat dick, man." He hummed, wrapping his hand around it, thinking about it. "But, like...  you think you're tellin' the truth? About needing mojo? Is that like.. all there is to it?"

Jack nodded. "Sure as shit on the sidewalk, bro!" He grinned, rolling his hips up, thrusting through his fratmate's fingers. "The more the better! Suck my dick and win the ribbon, it's as simple as that!"

Abe grinned then. "You're a genius, dude!" He reached over to the discarded penis pump, and ripped the rubber air tube out of the end of it. Then he ripped the air bladder off the other end, yanking the rubber tube between his paws, snapping it taut like a belt a couple times. "I know what I gotta do! Dude lay back on the bed."

"Oh! Okay!" Jack leaned back, his belly gurgling with that heavy breakfast, and watched as the smaller dog started wrapping the rubber tubing around the root of his dick. He had to peel that sheath back, baring that narrow root, but then he tightly wrapped the tube, around and around and around, until it tightly trussed it. His dick, of course, flared out, fat and hard, his knots bulging, veins filling out. "Dude, you're making my dick fuckin' HUGE!" He laughed, wiggling his hips, dick swinging through the air, back and forth. "Tick tock motherfuckers!"

"Yeah, I want it as big as possible. The bigger it is, the more mojo I'm gonna get from it!" Abe rubbed his paws, then rested his palms on the bigger wolf's thighs, pushing them down and apart. "Wow, dude. Yeah, I am feeling better already. With this big ole dick gone, I'm gonna be the biggest in the frat! And then I'll win for sure!"

Jack pushed himself up on his elbows, chuckling still as Abe started lapping and tasting the tip of his cock. There was a drool of clear precum oozing out of the slit, like there usually was in that kind of situation where one is being tied up and sucked on. "Well, like, it's still gonna be bigger than yours, it's just gonna be soft n shit."

"Brah. No." Abe winked up at Jack. "I'm fuckin' EATING your DICK. LIke, ALL of it." He nipped the tip of that big cock, chewing, his sharp little fangs scraping against that hard, sensitive, bulging flesh. Not piercing, but leaving white dimples in the dark flesh. 

"Shit." Jack said, mind processing that. "Like... really, bro? You're gonna eat my whole dick?" The words rolled off his tongue heavily, like wooden blocks, knocking against each other in his head but not making a lot of sense. "Damn." He paused. "You think it's gonna.. like.. work?"

"Well..." Abe said, wrapping his hand around Jack's knot, squeezing it and making the wolf groan. "You said it was all about getting my mojo back, right? And you said it was about what I had in here..." he patted his belly with his other hand. 

"I actually meant-"

"And you said that what works for you is to think to yourself, to know, that you got the biggest dick, right? SO! This ticks ALL those boxes. I eat yours, then MINE's the biggest! I'm the STUD!" Abe said. "Cool?"

"Well, I mean, like, sure bro. You seem totally into this!" Jack said, folding his paws behind his head. "I didn't realize my big ole dick was making you feel bad though, shit. I'm sorry about that!"

"It's fine, bro, it's not your fault or anything." Abe winked up to Jack, and then took a big ole bite, snapping his jaws and just punching his fangs right through the end of the wolf's cock. Three thick dark swollen inches came free with that bite, and Abe growled and snapped his head back and gulped that lump of Jack's big ole dick down his throat. It made a nice bulge on it's way down. "Shit, I can feel it already." He jumped up, and pushed his own dick against Jack's own, pushing the trussed, leaking, bitten dick down against the red wolf's belly. His cock was Rigid, the sheath pulled back to bare the gleaming, proud, urgent head. 

"Damn, dude!" Jack couldn't really see the difference, but Abe was so excited, he had to play along! Abe was his bro after all, he wasn't about to let him down. "Lookin' HUGE! Don't touch that monster, it might bite!"

"Ha, no, it's not gonna bite, but I am!" Abe jumped back down, grabbing both of Jack's knot bulbs between his hands. The tightly constricted root creaked, as he pulled that dick back, aiming towards his chest, and pulled. Not like, just pulled, but Yanked. Twisted. Harshly pulled. Jack yelped, grunted at the forcible tugs and pulls. Abe bit his tongue, focussing on that foot long shaft he had between his hands, and then barked in excitement... as it came loose in his hand. The constriction, the steady pulling, the yanks, it all came together, and Jack's massive dong just slid down off of the baculum like the meat from a turkey leg. 

"Shiiiit," Abe said, holding Jack's severed cock in his hands. It was fuckin' heavy! And still firm, like the constriction at the root had pinched off some stuff permanently.

"Dude, like... you better gobble that up before you make a huge mess on the floor!" Jack said, encouragingly. His dick had been taken off, but he was still like, wicked horny, watching his bro handle and play with it. His eyes widened as Abe wrapped his mouth around the bitten end where his cock head had been. "DUDE! You can't.. no way, there's no way you can take the whole thing in one go! You're gonna choke, bro!"

But Abe was determined! He climbed up onto Jack's dickless crotch, his own cock jutting HARD against Jack's belly, the squat, muscular dog cramming those knotbulbs against each other. He lifted his chin up, so his neck was in a straight line, and swallowed Jack's sword. 

Jack whooped as Abe Twisted and pushed, sliding six... eight... ten inches down between those sharp fangs. Abe could feel the thick meat sliding, bulging his throat, and Jack could see his cock pushing out from the inside. He had such a big fuckin' dick! And Abe was gonna eat the whole damned thing!

Abe stretched his lips over Jack's knot, and that seemed to be his limit... he coughed, started to gag. Started to pull it back out.

"No way, dude!" Jack said, and pushed at the seeping end, at the hole his baculum had slid out of, and pushed it in. "You can do this! You suck that whole dick down, get all that mojo in your belly. Be the number one stud! I believe in you!"

Abe had fire in his eyes, and cum seeping out of his dick, nodding. His jaws clenched, crushing those knot bulbs, with the wet shearing sound of a pomegranate being ripped open. CrSHL, Unch, munch. He swallowed most of Jack's dick, but the thickest part, he chewed, splintering, pulping that thickest part... and gulping it all down. Dick, knot, shreds of knot bulbs, and finally the ragged, torn root. 

The whole god-damned thing went down, and Abe thrust both his hands up into the air. Jack did, too! They gave each other the biggest fuckin' high fives, the most epic high fives the frat had ever seen.


"Dude! You were crazy up there!" Hank said, the second place winner from the frat next door. "I thought for sure I had it, but damn, you even had me convinced!" The lanky stallion leaned against the light pole, enjoying his smoke, as Abe and his two sorority girls paused in walking past. "What's your secret?"

Abe glanced down, to the stallion's obvious bulge, snaking down the inside of one thigh, most of the way to his knee. He felt his belly, still full of Jack's meat, gurgle pleasantly. 

"Well, Hank... maybe after I'm done with these two lovely ladies... I'll show you. I learned a trick from a friend, and, fuck, it works perfectly." He licked his lips. "I think you'll really be surprised how well it works."


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