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Hey everyone,

Happy valentine day, especially you Chris you big hunk of man meat.. lol i'm just teasing.. 

no really just teasing... :P 

Anyway, on a serious note I like to thank you all for your support. As some of you know I have bad memory so if you're waiting on something from me then remind me again. Don't ever feel like you're bothering me with request or reminders.

Request from all patreons will be considered and if in my ability to do will be done. 

 these are a few current projects I have going on at the moment.

I had a request to do a character from Xenoblade, love the look of the characters so decided I will do 3 of them Pneuma, kos-mos and t-elos. 

I commissioned Melodic for the outfits. He has done Pneuma and hopefully will get to the others within the next few weeks.

I would like to work on a custom spell set for each of these characters to somewhat match the Xenoblade game. If I am unable to do it myself then I will try to recruit Elysees for the spells. 

Here's an alpha pic of Pneuma, the facegen will most likely change for this character. 

Here's a concept pic (maybe from Xenoblade game?) of the other two characters.

My Next project is a reboot of Rias Gremory High school DXD follower. Rias is a popular mod of mine but I was never satisfied with her hair and I never found an outfit for her.

So I talked to Dint999 and he will be working on the hair and an outfit for the reboot.

I like to add more characters from HS DXD to this project and again work on some tweak spells for this mod series.  


It's like I've gone full blown anime but i'm also looking for some more immersive or realistic projects too.. if you have any in mind then let me know please :)

Another project is Citra from Fry Cry, some of you may know I had a mod for this character but never published it because I lost it along with everything else on my hard drive at the time. Which sucks because I made the custom warpaint tats and all that will have to be redone but I like to release a Citra mod nonetheless.

A Lynx (from Sorority Girls of Skyrim) stand -alone mod as well as a Sorority Girl schools out or Spring Break edition.. Ya know something really corny that involves big bust followers lol

I also like to release a preset mod, that includes the presets I used for characters as well. This preset mod will also contain many starter presets that the user can use as a base and create their own faces with. 

like for example:






and so on. I hope I didn't make that too confusing.

Here's a references of the different face shape bases  

The idea behind this project is to make presets that will help others make better looking characters in game while also giving full detail presets of my previous characters and maybe a few new ones ;) 

It's mostly for Racemenu but will like to offer something for ECE too.. 

I have a few projects going on for Patreons, both private and public. Of course I'll be sharing the public ones with others.

I also like to do a joint NPC replacer, where Patreons as well as our facebook group Mod Hoarders all pick an NPC to replace with a face of their choice. Of course Patreons have priority. This will be more like a side project and updated as I get more and more request.

Speaking of request, do send me any request you have. I don't care what tier you're on. Just let me know of the request and i'll see if I can help or not.

Doh I have more to say but I need to go for now..

So anyway send request and as always happy gaming/modding :) 



oh and Senua from Hellblade.. I like to do that character in the near future as well.. thx again for the support!