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Hello, lovelies! I just wanted to come on here and quickly apologize for the lack of content from me as of late--I've got a whole lot of stuff going on IRL and I am currently trying to get more hours at work in order to pay for some expenses. One of these expenses being, I finally have an apartment! Thats right, I'm getting to that point where I'm becoming a full-fledged adult who has bills and many many other things to deal with. On top of this, my final semester of high school has just began, so I'm well on my way to graduating and working full time. 

I'd like to take some time now and thank everyone who has supported me, whether it be here, on Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, etc. I am incredibly lucky and happy to be making at least some profit from my passion, and I thank everyone who has supported me, regardless of it being financial or not. It makes me so happy that I can make people happy with my content, and I love sharing the things I love with others. Splatoon has helped me a lot with this, and I am incredibly thankful that sharing the things I love about this game and its characters can resonate with people. That being said, I'm excited for what the future will bring! 

Along with this, mark your calendars! On February 22nd, we're going live to delve into the depths of Splatoon 3: Side Order! I am INCREDIBLY excited for this DLC, so you can probably expect a whole lot of Side Order fanart! (Acht come home PLEASE)

Apologies for my rambling, but I thought you guys should just be informed of any delays or reasons why art may slow down. I'll be doing my best to make that not happen, though!



Ey man, life and such comes first. Keep doing what ya doing! You got this!


Aw, thank you for your support ! ☆ヾ(*´・∀・)ノヾ(・∀・`*)ノ☆