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Hey, everyone!

I'm super busy working on new videos (Cyberpunk stuff, mainly), but I had some time to put together some of my favourite easter eggs from this past month.

I forgot to record these two Starfield easter eggs for my video last week, so I wanted to share them with you guys instead.

Fun Fact about that video: I found an easter egg which was a real URL on an in-game magazine that linked to this video of Todd Howard. I couldn't believe it was real. When I sent the video to Bethesda for them to approve, they said that they didn't put it there. Someone saw the URL and bought it, then linked it to the video. They said I can't share footage of it, and they'll patch it in an update.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video! <3


The Best Easter Eggs of 2024 (Part 4)

Some of my favourite easter eggs from the past month. There wasn't much to find, but I liked them enough that I wanted to show you!



That URL fun fact is brilliant, shame they're patching it in a future update. It's so funny it deserves to be public knowledge but I understand you'd get in trouble. Maybe someone's posted a video on reddit somewhere 🤔


This may (or may not) be what I saw 🤐: https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/comments/16dpf4e/has_anyone_seen_this_ingame_easter_egg_with_a