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Here's a picture featuring Jimmy Olsen from My Adventures with Superman. The idea was suggested by ds.

"Jimmy Olsen (my adventures with superman) , superman shields Jimmy from some supervillain death ray , however something unexpected happen as superman muscles and powers + a bit of extra size seem to transfer to Jimmy  who easily defeats the villain and who knows maybe be a superhero for a bit"

Superman never thought he would be in this situation...going from savior, to being saved, by his lil', scrawny friend no less!...Except, his friend was now double the size of the super hero, and his muscles were far bigger than the man of steel's, if anything, Jimmy has become bigger than any other superhero in the world! 

To make matters weirder, is that having contact with Jimmy made him grow...or at least, that how it seemed to be from Superman's point of view. Jimmy WAS growing...but Superman was also shrinking, his size and power transfering to the growing man!

Seems like Jimmy'll take the chance to show off his new body and power, and also repay Superman for all the times he has been saved by the now scrawnier superhero~

Hope you like it.




Awww so cute well at least Clark can have a "Normal life" while Jimmy saves the world


Huh…. Just keep growing Jimmy bigger~ he can put that on the blog!