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Here's a sequence featuring Clive Rosfield from Final Fantasy XVI. The idea was suggested by JT's Channel.

"I would like to suggest Clive Rosfield from FFXVI. After absorbing the aether from all the Eikons, he grows to a massive size and becomes essentially a god. Everyone is aghast at the enormous outlaw and how he cleared the mysterious clouds that had shrouded the skies just by flexing and causing a magical shockwave. Things are going to change in Valisthea. A lot."

(I have no idea about the game's story, so I'm sorry if the improvised situation is too far off from the cannon;; )

1. A powerful empire was able to kidnap every single Eikon user of the world, and extracted their  power into very powerful knights. 

 Clive was powerful enough to defeat the knight that was in charge of stealing his Eikon, and by doing so, stole the accessory these knights have been using to steal the Eikon energy from the other users.

He had an easy time infiltrating the empire's army, handling the guard with ease, while also absorbing the power from their weapons, making him grow more powerful with each defeated enemy.

He found the chamber where the Knights were discussing their next move, they didn't seem to have their weapons out, so he decided to strike them while they had their guard down.

Tackling down the first one, Eikon energy bursted out of the knight, and got absorbed into Clive, making his muscles pulsate bigger with power, some of his clothing pieces getting shredded and ripped from the sudden surge of size.

2. Knights started charging at Clive, but it was too late, he has become incredibly powerful from recovering just one Eikon into his body. He easily lifted two knight in each of his hands, and started absorbing more energy, making him pulsate even bigger, most of his clothes shredding into tears as his manly torso and legs became thicker.

3. The remaining knights started to scramble away, trying to run away to a safer place to plan what to do about this sudden sneak attack, until they were crushed under the weight of the now overly huge Clive, as he launched himself on the remaining kinghts with all his weight. The remaining energy getting absorbed into his body.

4. WIth all the energy recovered, the overwhelming power coursed through his body, as he expanded in violent surges of size, filling up the chamber, and soon enough the whole castle!

5. Th castle was destroyed into pieces as Clive bursted out of it, swarving nearvy buildings and even mountains that were around the empire.

6. Being quite aware of his current power, he confidently decided to put his power into action, as he powerfully flexed his muscles, his body visibly growing even bigger, sending off massive crimson waves to his surroundings, trees and buildings flying, along with the dark clouds in the sky cleaning off, revealing the crimson sky, reflecting on the overwhelming power that Clive was holding now.

Now he'll be able to return the power to their users...right? not to jsut keep all that power to himself...right??

Hope you like it.



JT’s Channel

Clive is looking absolutely magnificent. ;)