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Here's a picture featuring Fallen Corrin and Grima Robin from the Fire Emblem series. The idea was suggested by Billy072.

"I've been on a Fire Emblem kick recently, so thought I throw out this idea!  Male Fallen Corrin and male Grima trying to out level and outgrow each other to see who the real dragon god is! Maybe have a little summoner between them, possibly them trying to show off so their pet knows who to worship."

What started with a lil' summoner trying to summon some reliable allies, ended with both Fallen Corrin and Grima Robin being unleashed into the world, hungry to eat their way to become the most powerful beings in the world! Since the summoner was responsible for them arriving to this world full of "nourishment", they decided to keep him chained as their pet.

Now they're loose in the world, raiding towns and cities from their food AND people, each of them growing bigger with each thing and person they ate. Them developing some kind of rivalry to see how becomes the biggest, most powerful being in the world first! The poor summoner being dragged along with them in chains, unable to stop this growing threats.

Hope you like it!




Mmm Robin has my vote~ great dragon boys!