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Here's a picture featuring Ban from Seven Deadly Sins. The idea was suggested by Poe Allan.

"Hope I'm not too late but Ban from the seven deadly sins getting all big off beer sounds cool, maybe even growing too big for the tavern"

Seems like someone added something to the brew. As Ban arrived to the bar to celebrate a successful fight, he kept on drinking and drinking one class after another of beer. Ban thought it was the tastiest drink he's ever had, so he kept on demanding for more, fully indulging himself.

Too focused in drinking, he didn't even noticed that each gulp of the elixir made his body surge in size and mass, his already tight jacket straining and groaning in protest as it kept getting tighter and tighter, until it became impossible to contain the expanding mass that was underneath, shredding Ban's clothes to shreds!

He kept on demanding for more, becoming thirstier, drunker and more impatient! To the point that he went ahead and started snagging other people's drinks to greedily gulp them down for himself. One would think that would start a whole bar fight against Ban, but even the drunkest drunk wasn't fool enough to defy Ban, as he threateningly expanded bigger right in front of them as he stole their drinks, his belly expanding and pushing the smaller person away, asserting his dominance without even trying or caring.

Ban kept drinking non stop, his patience reaching zero as he greedily grabbed the whole container where the beer was, easily destroying the lid with his fist, and greedily started chugging the massive barrel, each bigger gulp adding even more mass than the previous smaller drinks. His seat finally snapping, his ass crashing on the floor, making the whole place shake. People starting to scatter away as his body kept on expanding and filling up the place.

As the last drop of beer in the entire bar landed on his tongue, Ban let out a massive belch that broke all the windows of the bar and nearby buildings...As his attention was lead to the miniscule bar goers that couldn't escape being stuck under Ban's body...And that's when Ban's face turned into a malicious, drunk smile...And started grabbing people and dropping him in his mouth! It seems like this glutton was far from being satisfied...and the whole town was in danger to become his meal!

Hope you like it!




Love this one!
