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Hello, hope you’re all doing well today!

As you all know I’ve announced changes to the terms of my patreon work, as well as already started to perform them.

One of the main changes mentioned before was the quantity of the sketches I would do per month basis. I’ll be transparent when it comes to the amount each month when the time comes, that being said —

Currently, I'm considering only doing 10 sketches. The amount will usually stay within that range from now as I focus on both my real life, and other projects I’m working on. BUT, It'll also depend on how many suggestions I'm interested in working on. So minimal are 10, but the max will not surpass 19.

With new content coming further down the line, I want to remind that former sketches will be publicized starting from 2020 to the current year. The rest of the sketches prior to that year will be posted in a MEGA folder, which will be accessible through a link on my Twitter (More info on the post when it happens).

I’m currently working on a new optional tier for those who are interested in supporting me. —

It’ll act the same as the Arch-Drewmons as well as include new content before it is publicized both on Patreon and other websites.

Lastly - I’m considering setting up commissions and adoptables.

I’ll elaborate on the adoptables when I start them, as for the commissions however, due to the nature of the work I do and how my patreon is set up…

It will have limited slots, and a waitlist that I’ll pick from whenever a slot is open.
The pricing is to be solidified at the moment but It will increase from the former prices I had before.

Thank you so much for understanding!

- RH6


JT’s Channel

This all sounds good to me! Do whatever you need to do!