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Hello, hope you're having a nice start to the month of November. I wanted to announce some changes that I'll make to the tiers of my Patreon.

Firstly, I wanted to mention that my health has seen a decline lately, both mentally and physically. Mentally, Ive been feeling like Ive been stuck creatively, and its very anguishing. As for physically, my body has been in a lot of pain because I can't find the right time to do my excercising routines with everything I have going on with patreon and irl stuff. So I want to at least be able to afford mental health assistance, and also do something about my physical state. And since I'm still paying student loans, plus bills of my house, the current earnings I'm getting isn't enough.

So having that in mind, I'll be doing some changes to the rewards and tiers starting this month. I know I've said that I would lower the amount of sketches that I draw monthly, but I haven't really changed that much about that in the last months. So I think I should change that, because not only its an overwhelming amount of sketches, I get stuck in front of my screen trying to figure out these ideas for way too long, to the point it ruins my sleep schedule. Most importantly, most of the time I spend for my "artistic endeavors" is spent drawing these sketches, and does not leave room for me to improve in other aspects I want to develop.

As for a more inmediate change, I'll change my tiers so there's only one tier, it being the Arch-Drewmons Tier ($6). I've always been content with the fact that my tiers so far have been economically friendly, however it's not something I can afford now, considering the amount of time and effort I put into the many sketches that are requested. 

In the future, I want to explore other kinds of media to work on and develop skills for, most notably animation. When the time comes, I'll add new tiers with more options and content.

I'll be uploading the remaining October sketches in the next few days. As of today, there will be changes on the amount of sketches I work on, for good. Once the remaining sketches are finished, all tiers will be fused into the Arch-Drewmons Tier ($6). Don't worry, I'll manually give you the refund to you before dealing with the tier fusion. If you wish to join the new tier, you may.

I'll also be uploading my old sketches to my twitter starting this month. I know that's something I promised earlier when I made this account, but I'll make it official from now on.

That's about all the news I have to announce right now. Thank you all for the support, I truly appreciate it.

Have a nice day and rest of the month.




Do all you need to feel fulfilled and secure dude, we support you and your development!


Im sad to hear about your health, sometimes you do so much with how little money you ask of us! I'll definitely pay some more if you add new tiers in the future, much love!

Robin Hafner

You're all good, man. What it takes for you to be safe, happy, and healthy is what we're here for. And as someone also stuck in a creative rut...man I feel you on that one =w=;


Thanks for letting us know! It does seem like a lot of work doing so many sketches each month, plus having the backlog of colour pics hanging over you. You should definitely prioritise your physical and mental health so you don't burn out. More than happy to continue supporting you here! 😊


Do what you need to do for yourself. Also, if you would make in the future a tier for your animations, I would totally pay more for that. You have one right now that ain't bad, if you wanted to invest in yourself that way, I would do so too.


Do you all need for improve your health