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Here's a picture featuring Grima Robin from Fire Emblem Heroes. The idea was suggested by Reymush.

"Grima/Robin (Fire Emblem Awakening/Heroes) There’s a Halloween costume for Grima in Fire Emblem Heroes I’m thinking of but the normal version, a possessed form of Robin, works too. The harvest festival has arrived, and Grima has been roped into the festivities. Not one for human celebrations, he does seem to take a liking to the treats given out, though he won’t admit it. Strangely, the more candy he eats the bigger he gets. Soon, he moves to eating the festival attendees as they make for better treats. Grima eventually towers over the “worms” beneath his feet enjoying his human-sized treats. Maybe human festivals aren’t so bad?"

Seems like people's attempt to befriend this overly dangerous being was both a complete success...and a failure at the same time. 

Not only they've made him much more big, powerful and dangerous with all the food AND people he's eaten during the festival, but now he KNOWS he's the most powerful being in the world, and can demand ANYTHING he wants from people!

His first decree as the new demonic overlord of the world...is for the Harvest festival to be celebrated everyday! And for all the food to be only dedicated to him! And if people dont obey...the only fate fit to them is being thrown into the hungry beast's maw!

Hope you like it!




I love it! The angle of this sketch makes Grima look so imposing. Thanks for adding on to the idea; I love how you described the little story for this scene. It’s really fun!