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Here's a picture featuring Lance from the Pokemon series. The idea was suggested by TPoN.

"As the resident Dragon Master of Kanto/Jhoto, Lance has felt as if he’s been getting overlooked by both his fellow champions, and the fans. So, during his preparation for the Masters 8 tournament, he decides to try a new training regime with his powerful dragon pokemon! This includes sparring with his Dragonites, as they help him fight and train…and they help him learn some dragon moves too! It gets to the point where Lance, with the help of his three Dragonites, learns moves like Dragon Dance, and even Clangerous Soul…boosting his own power and body to immense size and strength! A side effect however is that he ends up getting draconic features….but that’s not necessarily a bad thing!  

Finally, when the Masters 8 tournament rolls around, Lance proudly arrives, his thunderous steps shaking the arena! The other guys, Leon, Steven and the like, even if they beefened up a bit, clearly stand no chance…but who would wanna stand up to such a draconic hunk? Easily able to solo everyone else’s Pokémon on his own, Lance wins the Masters 8 Tournament!"

I think the story works pretty well on his own. So here's him towering victorious in the middle of the stadium.

Hope you like it!



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