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Here's a sequence featuring Diluc from Genshin Impact. The idea was suggested by TPoN. 

"Since he has to work his winery and bar, Diluc usually is in charge of doing a lot of the work from there. Which may include taste testing, well, one sneaky prankster named Kaeya decided to spike a batch of drinks Diluc was supposed to taste test, with some Dendro Growth Magic that he received from a friend(and might’ve used some on himself too!) So that night at the Dawn Winery while Diluc tests his batch of wine that came in, he begins to grow with each drink unknowingly until he’s bigger than his Winery in entirety! And maybe Kaeya comes over to tease him to hell XD"

1. Diluc, having received today's ingredients for a new brew from an anonymous deliverer, starts preparing the new recipe. Once it's done, he tries it himself, having quite the nice taste.

2. ...just a few seconds later, Diluc's body started to shake violently and *BWOOMPH* His pecs bounced out of his shirt, snaping his clothes, buttons flying everywhwere with how massive and voluptuous the couple of jugs became. Along his pecs, his arms also bulked up inmensely as well, ripping the sleeves off into a bunch of shreds! The rest of his body followed...

3. Diluc's growth only became faster and more drastic the more time passed, him rapidly filling up the whole bar in a matter of seconds! THank goodness it was closing hours, or else eveyone would have had to evacuate. 

Diluc's body was in contact with each wall of the whole building, filling up the insides of the structure completely...

4. *BOOM* Diluc, still growing bigger, is finally freed from the confines of the bar, the debris flying all over Mondstat! The massive, growing bartender towered over all of the city, all the inhabitants at shock at both seeing the destruction, and by the sight of the dashing giant that was still growing right in front of their eyes!

5. Diluc,confused by the whole situation, frustrated by the remains of his bar...and embarrassed with how everyone can see his obscenely huge body and manhood...

Too much inside his own mind, he didn't hear some heavy footsteps coming from behind...until he was suddenly glomped by Kaeya! He was also massively huge! But not as big as Diluc.

There, the sly prankster revealed that he was the one that brough the ingredients that caused Diluc's change, calling it a "gift" from him. Diluc, angry and flustered from the situation, and from not seeing this coming from the begining, just wanted to give Kaeya what he deserved...Meanwhile, Kaeya was enjoying Diluc's body as much as he could before he was going to get Diluc's punishment...unless he ALSO wants that as well...

Hope you like it!






The overtaxed undies are much more fun than magically resizing ones 🥰