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Here's a picture featuring both Fret from NEO: The World Ends with You, and Joe Tazuna from Your Turn to Die. I really like how this one turned out, and both characters. Made additional versions where they change places because I couldn't decide for just one. haha

"Anyways, I only had a basic idea of Joe Tazuna from YTTD and Fret Furesawa from NTWEWY where they meet each other and become friends one day at the gym, and due to their outgoing personalities, it quickly turned into a rivalry to see who could be the biggest! So the drawing is just them quickly outgrowing the room and taunting each other as they grow bigger"

Once they started working out together, their dynamic worked way too well! Each day that passed, everyone in the gym could see their gains! The young guys gaining both muscle and height at the end of their workout sessions. And to add more to their gainz, they stopped by to several restaurants whenever they left the gym for the day. So they ended with big muscles AND big bellies by the end of each day!

THe more days that passed, their gainz seemed to escalate bigger. The more they grew, the more they could lift, the more they could eat, and the bigger their gainz were! They grew together while they teased and encouraged each other in their own, silly way, their bodies and goofball aura filling up the whole gym, in all senses of the word!

Until one day, after having a hearty meal (By eating EVERYTHING of several restaurants on their way to the gym, all that food fueled their workout to the max, making their bodies go through extreme growth surges with each time they lifted! Easily filling up the whole gym, and then growing out of it!

So here they are, one seeming to have ended up bigger than the other, teasing the smaller one to try even harder to keep up with his pace! It seems like they're still aiming for bigger even though they've already grew out of the gym they were going to...

Hope you like it!




Heheheh wonderful situation~ they look awesome!! Big giants having fun~


It's a bit of a random pair up but I just love these guys together for some reason! Really loved this work!


I really like these two! We're still eagerly awaiting the release of YTTD's ending, but once it's out I'd strongly recommend giving it a play!