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Here's a picture featuring Nate from Pokemon Black/White 2. The idea was suggested by PipthePuffin.

1st Part: https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2021-15-51819123

"Firstly, I'd like to suggest a continuation of the Marlon/Nate sequence you did for May 2021, with Nate continuing to milk and drain Marlon for every last drop until he gets big enough that he can lift Marlon and his tail out of the water completely!"

Seems like Nate didn't have quite enough of Marlon's jugs! He kept on succing more and more, until he became several times bigger than Marlong himself, dwarving evry single mountain of the Unova region!

Marlon couldn't help but to admire how big and strong became thanks to his milk, while the people that were in Humilau City couldn't help but to admire the young trainer's size and strength, taking photos and solfies for the occassion!

Nate, loving his new size and the attention, couldn't help but to show off, and lift Marlon with one arm! Marlon pretty surprised to be lifted so easily!

Hope you like it!




Cool part 2


Yes! I love Nate so much~ hopefully Marlon is dry… or is he~


These two make such a cute couple! I like the little Humilau houses to the side and how Nate is holding Marlon above his head like a trophy! 🏆😁