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Here's a picture feauring Saber from Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia. The idea was suggested by ShinyJoshawott.

"Being a sellsword, maybe his strength increases every time he gets some coin. After a while of traveling with Celica and Co. he starts realizing his size and strength are correlated with money so he goes on a long grinding session to gain as much gold as he possibly can. He doesn't stop at a few hundred gold, he keeps going... And going... And going... Gaining Strength stat after strength stat as he levels up more and more. Soon, he's wider than most men are tall, and easily taller than 3... With no signs of slowing down in sight~"

So here's him, after defying many enemy armies, still hungry to get more of their money. His partners already tired from all the fighting. But he still cockily approaches the rest of the armies with open arms, knowing quite well he'll be the winner with how strong he's become...and how he's going to become even MORE powerful with the money he gets with the remaining fights~

Hope you like it!
