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Here's a picture featuring a currently unnamed Dude Bro character. THe idea was suggested by magicwizz29.

"Not a particular character but a frat bro is trying to beat the record for the most amount of beer drank at the frat house. As his frat bros cheer him on he keeps finishing one keg after another but didnt realize this is some new kind of stout. At first it's subtle, but after a while he feels his clothes really tight and his feet hurting in his shoe. After he finished his 5th keg he let out a belch that causes it all to hit him at once. His gut and pecs swelled, he bursts out of all his clothes and shoes and the frat house. Rubbing his huge gut he looks down to his frat bros by his feet and ask if they have anymore kegs for him."

It all just started as a "normal" frat party. The bros were having a chugging contest, since they were given a bunch of kegs of a new brand of beer. The was one bro, who was the thinnest and shortest of them all, but had the biggest thirst, who accepted the challenge. And so, they sat him on the living room's sofa, and started powring down the beer down a hose leading to the dude's mouth.

"Chug, chug, chug!"

All of them cheering ffor their lil bro dude to keep chugging all the beer, him easily drinking a whole keg that way, his belly sloshing and bouncing bigger with each gulp. Once he finished one, he let out a loud burp, slapped his belly, and demanded the next one!

And so the proccess continued like that! People kept on cheering him on, as he kept on drinking more and more, as his belly kept on expanding even bigger....along with his muscles?

More and more kegs were left empty, the cheering quieting down as they were concerned about the bro's health, who didn't seem to want to stop...but the cheering went to a full stop, leading to a crawling sense of dread as they saw their lil dude bro expand with each gulp of beer! It was like each gulp after a certain point escalated his growth further! One gulp added 1 inch bigger...then 2...then 4...then 8! And so on, the lil bro kept on expanding bigger, both his belly and the rest of his body, his muscles leaving all the jocks in the party in shame, one arm of his being much bigger than any gym goers in the party!

The others stopped bringing him more kegs...but now, him wanting more still, easily grabbed and lifted more of them, and kept on drinking! As he kept on filling the licing room up...and the rest of the dorm! EVeryone started to evacuate before they were smooshed under their growing bro's hefty muscles and belly, as he kept on filling up more and more of the building...until the whole building exploded! Their massive bro's legs finally freed from the confines of the building, along with his belly, sloshing loudly, and bouncing out once freed.

Once he finished the last keg, he let out a MASSIVE belch that could be heard throughout the whole neighbourhood. He rubbed his belly as he looked down at the rest of his friends...and asked for even more beer! Seems like his bros created an insatiable, growing monster...dude.

I have a soft spot for chill dude bros, so might make him a fully fleshed OC eventually.

Hope you like it!




This came out so awesome! Hope you had fun drawing a random character :)

