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Here's a picture featuring Taiju from Dr Stone. The idea was suggested by Shin.

"Since Dr. Stone recently ended (the manga anyway) I thought it would be fun to do something with that. So, in order to give the Kingdom of Science a leg up against Tsukasa, Senku finds a way to make Taiju stronger to help bolster their physical forces. However, whatever process he uses to make Taiju stronger works a little TOO well and the results are more intense than he predicted which may lead to problems for them down the line since Taiju reaaaaaaally likes the results"

It just started as an experiment, Senku created a strength enhancing concoction from mixing local herbs and nutrients extracted from the flesh of the most vicious creatures that they could find around the area. The thing was, who's reckless enough to try this never before tried potion...And Senku's mind inmediatedly led to Taiju.

As Taiju was told how the potion worked, he accepted the mission before Senku could finish his explanation, the terms "strength enhancing" and "sake of the people" for him to be determined to give this new drink a try. And a BIG try he got, as he chugged a whole keg right before Senku's eyes, Taiju's belly visibly bloating up, bouncing bigger with each gulp. Senku only needed him for him to have a small cup of it...but I guess this will do for now...

Senku could see some of the effects of the concoction already, he could see Taiku actively accepting any strength related request from the people around, lifting and carrying heavy things from one place to another, being sent to hunt only for him to come back with several boars on to of his strong shoulders, his build definetly looking bulkier and bigger than before. It does seem like the experiment was successful!...now, to see how long the effects last.

Taiju kept moving and training around the whole day! Senku tried his hardest to stay up long enough to see when he's going to calm down...but it was already close to midnight, and he was getting sleepy...so he went ahead to bed for now. BUt one thing was for sure, Senku could have sworn that Taiju's body kept on getting bigger with each time Senku had the chance to see it in the day.

Senku had a non disturbed night for most of it, but he could have sworn that he could hear some crunching and crashing sounds in the distance in his sleep. He just shrugged it off and went back to sleep.

But before the time he tends to wake up, he was greeted by a bunch of earthquakes, each becoming stronger than the last, until they stopped...


Senku jumped up to his feet when his ears were abruptly greetid by this obnoxiously loud, yet deep voice...he could have sworn his surroundings were shaking just from the sound of the voice...and seems like he recognizes the voice itself.

The moment he stepped out of his cabin, he was greeted by a massive, humanoid figure, one that he couldn't believe his eyes, since it was much bigger than ANY creature he's encountered before! Senku only reached up to its ankles...and its feet looked like they could cover Senku's whole body! The figure slowly squatted down, his strong quads pulsing bigger from the pressure put to them...And the massively huge manhood obscenely hanging closer to Senku's face. The massive, bloated mound that was the abdomen area was only surpassed by the two mountain-like muscles that were the pecs that followed above. The figure's strong arms seemed strong enough to crush any rock or structure if he embraced them.

Senku, knowing quite well the person who drank his potion yesterday, knew very well who this titan in front of him...as Taiju's bright, energetic smile surged from behind the two, pillowy mounds that were his pecs!

Seems like he's ready for another dose of that concoction! Eagerly asking for it...but Senku never told him that he had more of it, if anything, he made sure to cover the rest so no one could find it...but seems like he underestimated Taiju's observation abilities. Will Senku deny the access to the rest for his much bigger friend?...Or will his curiosity lead to see the effects of Taiju drinking even more doses of this strength enhancing drink...

Hope you like it!





JT’s Channel

This is utterly magnificent! Love it!