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Here's a sequence featuring Yu Narukami from Persona 4. The idea was suggested by Lasciua-Diaboli.

"For the first one, I'd love to see your rendition of an adventure of Yu from Persona 4 where he goes to investigate the shadows that have been giving that special food and drink to Teddie and Youske! I wanna keep it pretty vague but would be lovely for him to maybe find the source or be targeted next by the shadows since he was in the Youske picture haha. Give their senpai his moment to shine!"

1. After seeing both Yosuke and Teddie grow to inmense sizes in such weird situations, Yu decided to look into what was going on. With previous weird experiences, they were always connected to the TV World.

After doing some research and reckoning, knowing that the sources of growth were always food related, the hints led Yu to an abandoned building, seeming to be an old pastry shop. Yu, helping himself in, since the door was opened, all he could see were a bunch of dusty shelves and chairs. The main thing that caught his attention was a turned on TV. 

The dots were connecting already, so Yu decided to venture into the TV world from that TV!

The moment he stepped in, he found himseld in some kind of factory. A bunch of conveyor belts, carrying different kinds of food were surrounding the whole area. 

Yu, being too distracted by the bizarre sight he was surrounded by, was suddenly ambushed by a bunch of Shadows! Not being able to do anything in time to defend himself, he ended up being tied up in front of the end of a conveyor belt. Struggling, he was greeted by a malevolent laugh that came from a distance.

And so the one behind the mysterious growth spurts stepped in.  A young adult, with a chef uniform. His head was covered by a bizarre, one eyed helmet that looked a bit too familiar to Yu. The young chef greeted Yu, opening his arms with pride. He decided to go do a whole monologue explain himself, since Yu couldn't do anything about it.

The chef explained that his family's Pastry Shop was quite successful a while ago. But just when his parents passed away, the shop being passed down to him, Junes had to show its ugly mug in town, and ruined his family business!

Frustrated at not getting any new customers, and always watching Junes related news on TV, one day he was about to punch the screen of the TV...but his fist went through the screen as if it was a portal...

And that's how he was able to find this strange place, which seemed to react to his ambitions, and make food that had the exact effects he wanted to give if anyone dared to eat his meals. At first, he thought it would be nice to poison all the people working at Junes...But that wouldn't be the best way to deal with it. No, he had to use a more insidious. Then he got it!...He's going to make the staff of Junes ruin their own image! So what better way than to turn them into gigantic monsters that would destroy anything they touched!

And since he was able to see Teddie and Yosuke work there, AND hang out often, he thought they would make for great first targets.

Yu sneered at the dastardly plan, while still struggling. But the villain just laughed at his efforts. He mentioned that things were going TOO smoothly to let an ignorant kid like Yu to interfere. And since this nosy student was so irrelevant in the bigger picture, might as well poison him to death~

And so, the chef raised his arms once again, as the conveyor belts started running, all the surrounding belts seeming to connect to the one that ended on Yu's end. While two shadows (with chef hats) appeared on either side of Yu...they were about to force feed him poison food!

Yu, being able to move his arms just enough, decided to summon one of his Personas before it was too late...and he had the perfect one for the occasion!

Abbadon, the "Angel of the Bottomless Pit". Luckily enough, Yu added a Poison resistance ability...and one that made him stronger the more he ate. Hopefully the effects will apply in this situation, but as usual, Yu was pretty confident in his decisions~

2. And so the force feeding started. Yu had to admit, even though the meals were meant to kill him, this chef had a good hand for cooking...making it a weirdly enjoyable experience. And it was about to become even more enjoyable! As the shadows kept on shoving more and more food into Yu's mouth, he was visibly growing bigger! His clothes and ropes groaning in protest as his build became bulkier. 

As Yu could feel his body growing stronger, he went back to be fully confident in his actions. Looking down expectantly at the shadows, he was eager to be fed even more, and become even stronger!


And finally, Yu's body grew big and bulky enough to break out of the ropes that had him tied up!...well...And also most of his clothes were gone, his underwear was the main thing that survived, as it covered his Chad-sized manhood. His chair was groaning in protest as the young man was getting too heavy. Yu could easily escape now, but oddly enough, he stayed there, expecting more food...

3. Yu was enjoying this whole force feeding "torture" a little too much, but it was getting a little too slow for his taste. So to speed things up, he decided to taunt the lil' shadows by slapping his belly, showing them that he could easily handle any poisonous food he's gonna be fed!

The shadows fell right into Yu's taunt! Going berserk at the whole eating thing, they shoved as much food as they could handle directly into Yu's mouth at impressive speed! Yu keeping his hungry maw open at all times so all the delicious goodness fell right into his mouth to swallow it...and grow at a much faster rate with the speedier feeding.

Yu's chair finally collapsed and the youth's body became too powerfully heavy for it, the food on the conveyor belts in the whole realm bouncing from the heavy impact that produced Yu's heavy butt...but Yu was still hungry.

A shadow was about to grab some more food...and was suddenly shoved away by Yu's expanding belly! THis made it snap out of the "berserk" mode...and made it realize, that its partner was missing....

4.  The Shadow, feeling a sudden, intense feeling of dread, paralyzed from not knowing what happened to its partner...Until it was grabbed by Yu's massive hand! As it was lifted up to Yu's face, the Shadow thought that it figured out what happened to the other one...as Yu was looking at it with an intense, hungry look, licking his lips...And so, the Shadow was swallowed by the giant, hungry student, adding more mass to his body than a regular piece of food. 

The Shadows were getting too slow for Yu, so he decided to put them to better use, and use them as fuel for his growth! Now that nothing could get in his way, he decided to take matters with his own hands...and by that, he means taking the conveyor belt, and lifting it up to his mouth! So the food kept on coming, falling down into his mouth, as he kept on swallowing more and more...Growing even further and faster than before, his body casting a shadow so big, that the villain was fully covered by it.
The villain was terrified by seeing this young man's power. In one moment he was tied up, the chef in full control...and now he was towering over the chef, becoming too powerful too handle.

Yu let out a massive belch, which made the whole realm tremor at the power of it, the villain's body shaking from the intensity as well...he though it was time to retreat.

5. Reflecting the villain's feeling of dread and defeat, his Food Factory Realm started to crumble down. The conveyor belts breaking and falling down, the last piece of food dissappearing into Yu's mouth. The whole place was trembling from the growing weight of the massive student, while also the sound of falling metal was filling the whole realm.

THe chef was about to reach the TV exit...but Yu's gigantic foot stopped him in his track, stomping down right in front of the chef with such might, that the shadow that was covering the villain's head disintigrated inmediatedly. The shadow was made by the chef's own spite and hatred, but in his case, he fell into the temptation to let his evil desires control his actions.

Dizzy from the impact and his Shadow disappearing, he could only look up at the person that foiled his plans...who was towering over the chef...clenching his teeth in frustration for being defeated by a younger, nosy student. Yu stood with an overwhelming vibe of victory, since Yu knew quite well he had the villain under his control now.

6. Somehow, Yu was able to get out of the TV world...but the moment he did, the villain's house exploded from the sudden appearance of the gigantic young man in its confines, the building instantly disintegrating as Yu stood up and up, until he towered over the nearby mountains!

He headed towards the town, with the villain in hand to take him to the authorities, as he was received by the smaller giants, Yosuke and Teddie, congratulating him for finding the culprit behind this mischievous, weird happenings of late.

...Tho, will they ever go back to normal? Whooo knows~

Hope you like it!




Kinda reminds me from the Simpsons when Homer was Eating Donuts 🍩 machine


That factory may rather be a heaven of Narukami