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Here's a sequence featuring Ash from Voice of Cards. The idea was suggested by Shin.

"I've been playing Voice of Cards a lot recently and I came up with an idea for the main character, Ash! One of the party members is a guy named Bruno who's whole deal is being a nutritionist developing various medicines to improve his (and other's) bodies. The basic idea is that Ash is having a rough time fighting monsters lately so Bruno gives him a supplement that increases his energy and strength (which of course also starts him growing). After they clear out a dungeon, the nearby village rewards them with a feast and Ash, spurred on by the supplement, eats all the food, growing larger and larger the more he eats."

1. Ash hasn't had the best luck with fight lately, and has been feeling a lil' discouraged. Bruno, noticing his teammate wasn't the best spirits, wanted only the best for him. So he approached Ash, and offered him one of his newest supplements! He had yet to test it, but he made sure to have put all of his experience in salve making for this new supplement! So will probably work fiiiine...

Ash, more than willing to try it, decided to accept Bruno's help, along with asking for Bruno to train him to fight better! And Bruno was more than happy to accept! If anything, he already had a uniform for an "apprentice" ready  for Ash~

2. The new supplement was doing wonders on Ash! The moment he drank it, he felt a rush of energy! Making feel ready to take on a whole army of monsters!

Taking the chance Ash was so energetic, Bruno brought Ash to fight along him to a dungeon! There's been some nasty monsters invading the nearby town coming from that dungeon, so what best way to try the supplement than with some fighting!

And it worked great indeed! Ash, with his new "Bruno Apprentice" uniform, he could move around more swiftly, helping him handle monsters better. Bruno could see from the distance how Ash's muscles tensed and grew from each time he applied pressure and flexed his muscles...just as planned. Ash was just happy how he was having a much easier time fighting monsters! Bruno always there to support his partner~

3. Victorious, the two fighters came out of the dungeon, only to be recieved by the people of the nearby town! Celebrating their victory, and showering them with praise. Ash, who was now bigger and taller than Bruno, was really flustered about this, not used to get this much praise from so many people, but Bruno encouraged to let the praise soak him in~

The people, so happy for their help, offered them both a big feast! Since Ash was a lil nervous from all the attention, Bruno went ahead and accepted the offer for the two of them.

4-5. Ash was amazed at the amount of food he was offered, but once he started to dig in...there was nothing to stop him from eating! He ate and gulped any plate that he was served in front of him, enjoying the rich taste of the meals wholly. While Ash was pigging out, Bruno was right next to him, enjoying the food and drinks at his own pace...but he noticed something. 

Ash's belly was bloating up at a really fast pace, which makes sense, since he was eating so much! But then Bruno could feel how Ash's body bumped into Bruno, then he could notice...Ash was growing bigger right in front of his eyes! Could it be that the new supplement had that effect?...also, didn't help the fact that Ash was much more of a glutton now, making his growth exponentially accelerate the bigger amounts of food he could fit in his mouth! Seems like the supplement gives people even more hunger than usual too...which is a combo that coooould lead to disaster.

But it was too late, once Ash started to drink several glasses of beer, most of his clothes exploded from how fast he was growing! Didn't help the fact that Ash was getting a lil tipsy...making his only focus to keep on enjoying the food he was being offered!

6. Ash kept on eating and eating, expanding bigger with each meal and beer kegs he consumed! His seat collapsing from the weight of his growing body, but that didn't stop him. Weirdly enough, people kept on offering more food and drinks, even after seeing how much bigger he was getting! Maybe they were hoping that this offer would make him their invincible guardian?

Ash's feast kept going on, dwarving the nearby houses, and even destroying the walls of some of them with just bis expanding butt. Once he was getting too big, Bruno decided to try to convince him to stop...but Ash was a lil' too drunk to take things seriously, so the feast won't be stopping any time soon...

Hope you like it!




I think I saw this game on Steam a few weeks ago. Didn't know the main character was such a cutie!