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Here's a picture featuring Staz from Blood Lad. The idea was suggested by Shin.

"First time suggesting, but what about Staz from Blood Lad? He's participating in human Halloween traditions (trick or treating) because he's obsessed with human stuff and he eats a candy that fills him with an insatiable hunger and the more he eats, the bigger he gets! His saliva has mild control powers so he could brainwash an army to help him collect as much candy as possible. Lol."

After trying that one first candy, Staz couldn't help it, he had to get more! He went down door to door to trick or treat, eating the candy right in front of the people that handed the candy to him. It wasn't too noticeable for the first house owners, but in the later ones, they could see how the young vampire was growing right before their very eyes! The boy's vampire outfit went from fitting nicely, to fitting quite snuggly...to leaving barely anything to people's imagination! His muscles curves at full display under the fabric of his clothes...and his bulge pulsing bigger with each growth spurt.

Staz was enjoying himself way too much...but he wanted to step up the pace...

And so, he went back to previous houses, the people surprised to see him again. Not only because he already went to their houses, but also because, besides his face, the rest of his body was MUCH more massive than a few minutes ago! Before they could say anything, he easily grabbed the house owners, and gave them a biiiig lick. His saliva having some mind control properties, he proceeded to order them to bring him all the candy they had! People, having no control over their actions, only to obey Staz's orders, obeyed and brought him all the candy they had in their Halloween stash, Staz inmediatedly taking them from their hands and gobbling it up, the bigger amount of food making his growth even more drastic and noticeable, his clothes loudly shrieking, tearing apart from the violent burst of mass, growing underneath their fabric. He loudly burped in front of the house owners, them unflinched with how they were still under Staz's mind control...And so he got another idea.

From then on, he kept on visiting houses, all of the ones he already visited, and also as many as he could visit in the neighbourhood. With each stop, grow bigger, easily dwarving taller older adults, houses...trees...lamp posts. Making it easier to both move around the neighbourhood, AND to call the attention of the people in their houses without even trying, his massive feet causing tremors with each step would call anyone's attention if they're nearby. And the bigger he got, the easier it was to just grab the people and lick them, addinf them to their hypnotized army. And once they were done offering their tribute to the growing, godlike young vampire, he ordered them to get even MORE candy, and bring it to him! His army grew along with him, even though he was definetly growing at a MUCH faster rate. His quaking footsteps becoming even louder and heavier, leaving impact zones with each step. His heacing pecs and belly bouncing along his strut, making sure to show his massive body to everybody that got to watch the massive spectacle that was him!

Once he already got to all houses in the neighbourhood, he decided to take a rest. He looked around, and he found a big, wide house that seemed to perfectly fit his now much bigger twin moons. He slowly crouched down, until his massive ass landed on the structure, the poor house protesting the moment all that hefty weight landed on it, causing creaks all over the house, breaking some things inside, and most of the windows.

Once he got comfortable, he looked down at his army...Him taking a break didn't mean his army would ALSO take a break! He ordered them to bring even MORE candy to him! 

And so his greedy, growing Halloween night continues, as his army of "zombies" kept o paying tribute to their new Halloweeny god, making him bigger and more powerful with each offering. Seems like Staz could get used to this whole Halloween thing~

Hope you like it!



Shin (edited)

Comment edits

2021-10-31 00:06:41 Looks amazing! :D I really like the angle and the casual dominance of it all, especially with that easy going smile on Staz's face. Thanks so much for using my idea! I love it <3 Oh, the story was great too, really feels like something he would actually do.
2021-10-30 22:26:32 Looks amazing! :D I really like the angle and the casual dominance of it all, especially with that easy going smile on Staz's face. Thanks so much for using my idea! I love it <3 Oh, the story was great too, really feels like something he would actually do.

Looks amazing! :D I really like the angle and the casual dominance of it all, especially with that easy going smile on Staz's face. Thanks so much for using my idea! I love it <3 Oh, the story was great too, really feels like something he would actually do.


Glad you do! I was working on a sketch for him before this one, but didn't feel too happy with it, but when this one started to take shape, I was like "YUp! This will do much better~" haha You're very welcome! He's a very good and fun boi, and nice to give him some love. ANd nice to hear that! Since I didn't know much about him besides what you told me and some info online, was afraid it would be kinda OOC. But glad it wasnt the case ^^