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Here's a picture featuring Young Cricket from WarioWare. The idea was suggested by Allen U.

"Young Cricket from WarioWare. In Ashely and Red’s character trailer for WarioWare Gold, everyone had Halloween costumes with Cricket in a very cute Frankenstein outfit. So how about Cricket helping Ashley and the rest of the crew getting candy that night and the more candy they get, he bigger he grows?"

So here's the gang, Ashley, 9-Volt and Young Cricket, out for Trick or treating. It's been quite the bountyful night, so Ashley and 9-Volt were having issues holding all that candy. But Young Cricket kindly offered himself to hold it all, since it might be a nice chance to train himself. And since he was being so nice, Ashley decided to help him out with all that weight. So she casted a spell on him! 

THe moment the sparks surrounded Young Cricket's body, he started to expand in size! His tattered Frankestein costume became even MORE tattered as the mass underneath started to expand, until the top clothes became shreds, and the pants into really short, tattered shorts. His athletic body, which was the product of years of training, became much heavier and bulky, his muscles filling up with sheer power. His heaving pecs bounced out of the confines of the tattered clothes, his arms making the sleeves explode from the amount of mass and power those huge weapons became. Those kind of arms look like they could break any kind of rock or hard object without any effort. His athletic legs thickened up with, bursting out of the pants, leaving them at full display for the whole neighborhood to admire the gigantic beast he was becoming! And to add up to the massiveness, he was also growing in height! Becoming a massive giant, with huge muscles to match his hugeness. 

Young Cricket was ecstatic! He couldn't wait to find out his new capabilities with this new, massive body. Jumping in place from the excitement, making his friends and his whole surroundings shake with the impact of his massive feet hitting the ground.

And so, they continued their journey for more candy! As they continued, they could notice that people were giving them MUCH more candy than before...probably because they were genuinely scared of the massive youth towering over them, so they gave him all the candy they had so the giant young man "spared" them...even though Young Cricket was just sporting a gentle, sweet smile at all times, not meaning any harm.

And as if he wasn't huge enough, part of Ashley's spell was that, if Young Cricket added more candy to his stash, he would grow EVEN bigger! So the candy collecting continued, as their giant friend stomped down the streets along with them, becoming even bigger with each house they visited to Trick or Treat~

Hope you like it!




Ooooh it looks so good! I really like how his ripped clothing compliments his costume and how the perspective really shows off how big the magic makes him. I also love reading the story that goes with it! It always makes the sketch even more fun to look at ^_^


Yeah! It just adds up to the spooky vibe to the costume ^^ ANd reaaaally like how the angle, pose and overall situation turned out ;u; And I'm reaaally glad you appreciate the stories I write for the sketches ;u;