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Here's a picture featuring Roxas from Kingdom Hearts. The idea was suggested by Ren.

"How about Roxas from Kingdom Hearts eating a new recipe of ice cream that causes him to grow untill he's bigger than the clock tower, with a massive bulge and belly"

Roxas and his friends were having a nice summer vacation together. And what better way to spend a hot summer day than having some ice cream! So they headed out to the usual place they get ice cream. On their way, though, they found a new shop they've never seen before, probably because it was in a bit of a hidden alley. And what are the chances, it sold ice cream too! So, since they were closer, Roxas and the rest headed there.

THey had only one flavor of ice cream, but that's not a big deal, since it was the gang's favorite!: Sea Salt ice cream They all ordered the same. Once they all had their popsicle, the turned to leave. Roxas turned back to wave goodbye to the clerk, but the shop was completely gone, only a wall replacing where the shop was...

Roxas, inmediatedly suspicious, told everyone to not take a bite of their popsicles, which was just in time, since none of them have tried it yet. Roxas was trying to figure out what to do, the simplest way would be to just throw them away...but...it's so hot, and he has a tasty popsicle right in his hands...

"I'll try it first" Roxas said in a determined way, everyone seeing him as some kind of "hero" for doing that...except for Hayner and Axel, who were just pouting for not getting to eat their ice cream already.

He took a bite from it...and it tasted just as any regular Sea Salt Ice Cream. He kept going, secretly enjoying every single second...well, not too secretly, since everyone could see the bliss in his face while tasting the ice cream, which just made them even more impatient to try theirs.

But suddenly, Roxas' body started shaking, everyone being able to notice with the clicking noices from his accessories as they shook. Before they could think of something to say...

*BOOOM!* Roxas's body pulsed outwards in all directions! His top clothes and pants shredding into pieces, his big feet bursting out of his shoes, him becoming bigger than even the tallest member of the gang, who was Axel, who was only chest height of the now taller Roxas!

Not only his height changed, but his muscles too! His previously scrawny body now surpassed even the biggest of villains they've faced before in bulk. His wide back not letting his clothe survive how it inmediatedly tore them away, and his pecs bouncing out of the confines of his clothes. His thicc legs leaving nothing but his tight boxers intact...and a very noticeable bulge.

Everyone was already shocked from seeing Roxas this huge...but a familiar shaking sensation came from Roxas' direction, which only meant...

*boom...booom...BOOOM* Several growths spurts hitting in a row, each one bigger than the last! First one made him big enough to peek above the walls of the alley, the second one made him as tall as the Clock Tower of Twilight Town...and the last one made him MUCH larger than the Tower himself! His muscles and bulge growing at the same rate as his height, his muscles becoming even bulkier and rounder.

By the end, he was just standing there, towering over the Tower and the rest of Twilight town, his group of friends, and the rest of the town being able to see everything he had to display!

Roxas, as embarrassed as he was, was glad that he decided to try it first, so none of his friends had to go through the same...

Meanwhile, Axel and Hayner already stole Pence's and Olette's ice cream, and started to gobble them up already...seems like they wanted to join Roxas' "fun" as well. haha

Hope you like it!



JT’s Channel

Nice! Roxas’ growth spurt doesn't disappoint. ;)