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Here's a sequence/comic featuring Ryuji Sakamoto from Persona 5. The idea was suggested by JD Ceramics.

"Here's an idea for a quick Joker×Ryuji sketch:  This new ramen shop appeared out of nowhere in Yongen-Jaya and it never seems to gain the attention of passerbys! ...Except for Ren and Ryuji on their way back from classes. Ryuji's stomach growls and Ren knows that he should treat his blonde partner to this ramen!

  ...They get their food, Ren ordered a simple tonkatsu ramen, where Ryuji ordered the "Big n' Beefy" bowl. Ren enjoys his bowl of ramen, the taste is exscuisite but when he looks over to Ryuji... He seems taller! His yellow shirt looks rather tight and his muscles look so meaty and big!   

Ren's already decided... Ryuji needs more~ and he's gonna feed him as many as he can. Good thing he has so much money from Mementos, as well as a few items to inflict "hunger" on his friend to make sure Ryuji grows out of this goddamn CITY!"

1. Both boys finding the mysterious Ramen Shop "Big n' Beefy". Seeing how hungry Ryuji was, Joker invited him in, Ryuji getting all excited.

2. Ryuji asked for the speciality of the house, the Big n' Beefy Bowl. He eat it all in a few gulps, and grew from each gulp too! Bumping into Joker without even noticing.

3. Joker, seeing what was going on, decided on what he wanted to do...to use all his savings from Mementos to make Ryuji into a huge beast! Excited, Ryuji punched Joker, not measuring his now bigger strength. Joker just shoved the food into Ryuji's mouth, catching him by surprise...but seems like he got used to being fed quite quickly. If anything, he seemed to enjoy it~

4. After a bunch of bowls, Ryuji's stomach became huge and bloated, but didn't seem to grow bigger...until his body started to shake, and surged in size all of a sudden! Knocking Joker away by accident.

5. Ryuji's body became so heavy, that he made his seat collapse! His butt plopping down into the floor, making the whole shop shake. Even sitting on te ground, Ryuji was still almost as tall as Joker! Until, Ryuji burped loudly, and almost as if it was a trigger, is body surged even bigger after he let out that belch. Joker was impressed...but still wasn't enough!

6. Joker, having the last bowl of ramen he could afford, took it and started climbing Ryuji's bloated abs, while Ryuji was looking down at his lil's friend, with a playful and hungry smile, expecting Joker to feed it to him. 

Once Joker reached his huge friend's face, he poured the contents of the bowl into Ryuji's hungry mouth, the huge young man gulping everything, leaving nothing behind. And right after he ate is last gulps, his body started to shake and grow once again! Filling up the whole shop with his sheer size.

7. The moment Ryuji surged out of the ceiling, he was stuck between the two tall buildings that were next to the shop. Annoyed by this obstacles, he applied pressure to both sides with his growing muscles. Almost seeming like him flexing his muscles triggered even more expansion to his muscles, he easily destroyed the buildings with his sheer strength!

8. Ryuji's growth seemed to go through an overdrive, not even trying, he kept on growing, and reaching the same height as nearby buildings...and quickly PASSING their height too! Without even noticing, he made a whole building collapse under the weight of his massive ass! He tried to look apologetic, but he seemed to be a little too excited with how he destroyed a whole building with his mass without even worrying...luckily, the people that lived there noticed the weird noises coming from the growing, blond beast, so they, and most  of the people of the city started to run away from him.

9. His growth showing no signs of stopping, Ryuji towered over the whole city, flattening any buildings with his expanding mass, his heaving muscles overshadowing the whole place, the citizens terrified by the sight of the gigantic, massive, growing titan that was Ryuji. Ryuji was enjoying every single second of it. Even though he wasn't going to attempt to hurt anyone, it was still exciting to see everyone running away from his intimidating mass and power, so he added up to the act by acting like an intimidating dety in front of the tiny, feeing citizens. Meanwhile, Joker was also enjoying every single second of it, hhugging the expanding neck of his still growing friend.

Hope you like it!




Always down for more Ryuji 🤤



Robin Hafner

I can tell why this one took until May to get done, wow! It's a pretty good one, too! (Though my fave P5 boy is still Mishima)


I love how you're showing the booty more attention in your work. Bravo!