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Here's a picture featuring the Alolan Ace Trainer from Pokemon. The idea was suggested by PipthePuffin.

"Did you play Pokemon Sun/Moon and get to the seafood restaurant in Seafolk Village where they serve those massive 'Zumongous Z-Noodles'? A little out-of-date now but there's still massive kink potential there I think. I was planning to submit the idea of doing some stuffing/growth with the generic Gen 7 Ace Trainer who runs the place. That's such a cute design! With him eating all the leftovers from tourists who can't finish their portions."

Part 1: ---

Part 2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/72616563

But out of your suggestions specifically, Nate might be good? I don't think I've seen much art of him. Or maybe Marlon to fit the water theme - I think you're a fan of him too. Happy Birthday in advance! :)"

The Ace Trainer that ran te Seafolk Village restaurant always made sure to prepare very hearty and nutritious meals for people to enjoy AND power up from them. Even going to te liberty of grinding Z-Crystals into powder to spice his meals, the pure power from it sipping into the food, and filling up the eater with its power.

But the thing is...the meals he serves are SO big, that no one ever finishes the meal, and barely get the power that's offered by Ace's meals...He still gets a lot of customers with how tasty the meals are, and some even take the decision to have his meals as a challenge to see if they're able to finish it! But to this day, no one has been able to finish any of them...

But Ace doesn't mind, if anything, he's used for people to leave leftovers. He's just happy people get to enjoy his meals...and also, he gets to eat all the remains himself! The concentrated Z-Crystal power concentrated at the bottom of the bowls, he gets a huge boost in power from only one bowl of remains.

Usually, the Z-Crystal spice would only affect the person's energy...but Ace has been in the business for so long, eating remains from the beginning...that his body has definetly changed from all the nutrients and power that his meals has to offer. His place is getting a lil' cramped with how big he's gotten...but he doesn't mind, he always attends his customer with a warm smile, just happy to see his customers being satisfied with his meals...and them getting nervous or admiring looking at how big he's gotten, and how small they are compared to him, gives him a nice boost to his ego~




Yes! Undisputed best boi of Gen VII Pokemon right here! 🤩