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Here's a picture featuring Link from Twilight Princess. The idea was suggested by magicwizz29

"a part 2 to your link "heart breakfast" photo. The guy feeding link in the photo went to get more food only to come back to find Link a lot bigger lifting large crate full of maxim tomatoes to his mouth. The guy stands shocked by Link's towering feet and looks at the majestic sight before him. The tomatoes seem to have had an additional effect of making link/s pecs large and appear more largely endowed"

Part 1: https://www.deviantart.com/rottenheart6/art/A-Hearty-Breakfast-484526054

After Link's lil buddy kept on bringing more and more crates filled with snacks, Link kept on growing and bulging bigger with each finished crate. Him sighing in satisfaction after each meal, he kept on demanding for more snacks!

Almost in no time, Link was just as big as the mountains surrounding the plains, if not bigger! He got comfortable by spreading around, his limbs covering a huge area of the plain, and laying his back on a mountaint, making himself comfortable, while expecting more snacks!

Hope you like it!




Looks like he could use another little buddy to keep up the growth~ 😘