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Here's a picture featuring Hitoshi Shinso from My Hero Academia. The idea was suggested by Extremegamerz172.

"I'm on a my hero brainrot so I was thinking maybe Shinso Hitoshi and Izuku Midoriya? Maybe Shinso got hit by a quick that makes him all huge and buff and Midoriya just happens to end up between his pecs?"

In the middle of a match between Deku and Shinso, there was a strange figure flying over the arena, which left a trail of bright smoke behing its flight, the smoke slowly falling on the arena.

It landed on Deku, but nothing weird happened, but once it landed on Shinso...*ffwwoooOOOMPH* He surged both in height and muscle!

Him, not being used to having muscle, much less to become as big as Mt Lady, lost his balance, landing butt first, making the whole arena shake with the impact. Deku being the closest to Shinso, he was sent flying towards Sinso, perfectly landing between the big purple haired boy's massive pecs.

It seems that the smoke increased a quirk user's lowest stats...Shinso being his strength. 

Shinso, still letting his head digest all that's going, confusedly looked down at the small Deku between his pecs, while Deku nervously looked up at the big Shinso, thinking thaht the winner of the fight was already decided...

Hope you like it!




Hehehe that is a fabulous head of hair~!

Amaranth Anhrefn

He can Brainwash me with his muscles any day