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(This set only includes the Safe and Naked versions of the last scene)

Here's a comic featuring Imzy, my Impidimp gijinka/OC. The sketch of this was originally just a 3 part sequence, but I thought it was a little lackluster, so decided to make it a whole comic with some additional scenes.

1. Kurt (Cursola gijinka) was minding his own business at a local gym...not working out, but instead, absorbing people's strength and motivation through his ghostly root-like tentacles just for the fun of looking at people lose energy and motivation to keep on trying...and maybe cause a few accidents too...just for the sake of schadenfreud.

All was going as usual, until he bumped into a short, tanned, pink haired lil' imp, who inmediatedly locked eyes wit Kurt...And once Imzy locks eyes with someone...he won't leave them alone easily. Kurt tried to avoid him, trying to keep on plaing is tricks on people, but Imzy kept on getting in the way and interrupting Kurt's mischief. 

"Whatcha doin'? Whatcha doin'? Whatcha doin'?" Imzy kept on asking nonstop. 

Kurt, already done with this little obstacle, asked "What the HELL can I do for you to leave me alone?"

Imzy, with a playful smile, answered "Well, watch me workout, and see how huge I get~ And if I grow bigger than you, you'll have to hang out with me more~" 

"And if you don't, you'll finally leave me alone...right?" Kurt bluntly asked. "Exactly~!" Imzy answered, his smile not disappearing at all.

Kurt just chuckled to himself. What kind of nonsense was this little squirt talking about? There was no way that such a lil' imp could grow in such a short time, much less build up any muscle...But Kurt might as well watch, just to entertain himself by seeing how Imzy puts his efforts in vane~

...But what Kurt didn't know, is that Imzy not only loves attention, but feeds off it! Praise being his favorite kind of attention, genuine praise feeding him them most. Just attention was enough to feed him, but he loved genuine praise and head pats, which gave him the biggest boosts. So Kurt was off to a surprise...

Kurt sarcastically patted Imzy's head once he started lifting...and got shocked that the moment he did, Imzy shot up in size and muscle already!

Things aren't looking so good...at this rate, he'll have to get stuck with this little...GROWING imp...So Kurt decided to play dirty. While Imzy headed for heavier weights to impress Kurt more, Kurt summoned his ghostly tentacles to steal strength and motivation from Imzy...but Imzy's growing body repelled the tentacles! It was almost like IMzy's energy and positiveness were too powerful for Kurt's magic! Things aren't looking so good for Kurt...

2. Weights weren't heavy enough for Imzy now, so he proceeded to go ahead and lift machines in the gym...and even deadlift weight, including the people that were attempting to lift them, with only one hand each! The heavier the weights, the bigger the surge of power and size was for Imzy...Kurt flabbergasted by how Imzy's growth was escalating so extremely, all his attention leading towards Imzy, feeding Imzy's attention hunger more and more without knowing...Imzy just happy to impress Kurt.

3. Nothing in the gym wasn't heavy enoug for Imzy, so he casually crashed through a wall of the gym, easily pushing his huge muscles to make the wall collapse, and still holding the deadlifts with the gym goers hanging from them! 

Kurt was speechless and paralyzed from the fear of hos huge Imzy was becoming, didn't help that he was completely invulnerable to Kurt's ghostly tentacles...But he snapped out of it once he got the air squeezed out of it by a giant Imzy's hand suddenly grabbing him...then placed on Imzy's giant buns, which were protruding enough for Kurt to use as a seat. Meanwhile Imzy started to lift cars to keep working on his muscles to impress Kurt even further, making him grow bigger with each lift, Kurt not admitting that Imzy's butt was...quite comfy.

Kurt, afraid of falling off from the growing Imzy's booty, started to climb up Imzy's back, which felt more like a mountain at this point...all this time not using the gym properly kinda was making him pay the price...it was quite exhausting to climg such a huge, growing back. While Kurt was doing that, Imzy got tired of the cars...so now he was attempting to lift a whole building! His whole body trembling from all the effort he was applying, making Kurt almost lose his balance while climbing...but then the trembling was because Imzy's body was growing even further!

4. Proudly, Imzy held the whole building over his head! Kurt barely able to keep his balance with the shifting muscles under his feet. Imzy once again grabbed Kurt, and held him right in front of his massive face. Kurt trembling in fear, the once lil' annoying imp that barely reached his showlders, now big enough for him to be swallowed by the gigantic energetic youth. Imzy was already loud when he was little, but now even more with hihs booming voice "I GUESS YOU'RE STICKING WITH ME FROM NOW ON!!" Imzy victoriously clamed at the cowering, diminutive Kurt. I guess Imzy not only meant to just hang out more during the bet...but he meant for Kurt to become his PERMANENT friend. Kurt, having no choice, just nervously nodded and accepted his defeat.

Imzy, extremely happy with Kurt's response, lifted Kurt further over his head, and dropped it on his fluffy, pink forest-like hair. "NOW, MORE PRAISE OF IMZILLA! RAAAWR!!" Imzy proudly demanded. Kurt, being the first thing that came to mind, started rubbing his hands on Imzy's head, since, well, he accepted defeat, and was genuinely in awe over Imzy's power...it being genuine praise.

5. Imzy's growth, receiving Kurt's genuine praise, started to escalate to INMENSE proportions, dwarving the whole city in a matter of seconds, Imzy enjoying every single second he was receiving Kurt's scritches, like a huge, growing puppy. The colossal imp towering over the city, also dwarbing the nearby mountains, his massive bulge pushing against the city's buildings, Kurt was like a small toy on top of Imzy's head.

Kurt thought that he would hate to be around Imzy...but seeing how he went THIS far to impress him, and well, to just hang out with him, and how Imzy seems to be having a lot of fun with him... Kurt felt, well...quite appreciated, something that he wasn't used to at all, but did make him feel weirdly warm and fuzzy inside.

Hope you like it!




Great work! Gotta get big and strong. Soon he’ll have to use planetary dumbbells.